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Messages - yuco91

Pages: [1]
great ! I make this question because I listened from a friend that some hackers can do this and leak all source code from website with the aim to blackmail the original developers or for resell the code to other people.

Hint: HTTP verb tampering.

At least that's one way.

thanks for this hint. I think this can be a good start point. 

Hi guys !
 I'm new on the forum. I state that I'm a very noob of hacking world so don't blame me for this question.
 I'm developing a website in PHP and I wonder if there's a way to attack the server and try to read and "download" the full sources of my site. Maybe there are some tools for this or this is pratically impossible ? If someone can do this, there a way to protect the site against these kind of attacks?
 Thx in advance for your attention  ;)

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