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Messages - b4b4b0z0r6

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thank you so much!
but seems my problem could be solved with using --cookies option because this site redirects me for the login and the login info are not in the page itself!

thank you so much  ;D  I've got the access.

Hacking and Security / How to scan a website with sqlmap behind login
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:53:56 PM »
I've got access to a vulnerable system to sql injection and I'm trying to use sqlmap to inject and get access to the database. but there is this problem that the vulnerable target is behind one login instance! and this login thing is provided by a moodle site which is secure! they are using single sign in method! so only after i'm authenticated i can access to the vulnerable target!

I wanted to know how can i tell sqlmap to use the login credentials ?


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