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Messages - steved

Pages: [1]
I tried a few minutes ago and it worked, you were right about the problem coming from the monitor. I had a quiet old monitor plugged in to run some tests and I didn't know that a monitor could cause such a thing :) many thanks for your advice

I've always had the same video card - GTX 670. I haven't changed anything on the hardware since I've built it. The only difference is that I added a second monitor to the PC, but this can't be the reason because I didn't tweaked anything, I just plugged it into the second video entry of the video card.


It has no brand because I built it myself. It has always been working, and for some reason it stopped "working" after installing Linux Ubuntu as a Dualboot. After removing it, I had no access to the BIOS settings. Whatever key I press, it leads me directly to a blackscreen. No, pressing at all, leads me to windows 8 x64. I tried to remove the connected SSD and HDD, to force the booting of the USB, but nothing.  It looks like, he's either getting windows or it doesn't want anything else :). The strange thing is, how can the BIOS boot into my windows partition without any problem, and for the rest none...
Thanks anyway.

Hi guys,

I'm facing a problem with my PC right now. As I wanted to boot my BackTrack USB I noticed that my BIOS couldn't boot it. The reason is that I cannot access the BIOS settings and everytime I try to boot onto anything, a black screen shows up. The strange part is, that PC loads up the Windows partition without any problem, but as soon as I boot anything else but Windows, it doesnt work. What might the problem be?

My Motherboard : GA-Z77-D3SH


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