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Messages - Feyd

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Need help hide my privacy with backtrack
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:49:47 PM »
If you are going to use the Interwebs I would like to recommend against spoofing your IP :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Is Backtrack 5 worth it
« on: September 03, 2013, 02:23:52 PM »
I personally think you are right about Linux. You should try to learn to use it.
Backtrack or Kali is not great for everyday use so I suggest you run another distro (Ubuntu is fine) for that and then use Kali for pentest etc. Kali/BT are nice since they come pre configured with a lot of tools.
If you run KDE or Gnome or something else is not really relevant.
I didn't realize people still used DVDs to install OSs but you certainly don't need to order a DVD containing the OS to install BT. As already pointed out, google is your friend (in this particular case at least ;))

Yes exactly.
Use being screwed in your advantage.
They have to read from the disk to copy it.
There is the entry point, HDD's have firware , memory and ARM cores these days.
That true. I've long thought about how to do such a dismount or whatever but never bothered to try to implement it. Would be a an interesting thing to look into.
In Truecrypt there is also the option to create a special partition (or whatever it is) that you can decrypt with a second password to provide you with plausible deniability in case you get forced to hand over your key.

Thats an interesting concept.
Making the disk useless upon 'cracking' gonna think about that for a little.
If a forensics team uncovers an encrypted hdd they will make a raw copy first thing. They won't start cracking away trying to break the encryption. With a decent algorithm and a sufficently good password this won't matter much however.
If it is found decrypted they will ofc also make a copy in which case you are screwed if you don't manage to power of or unmount the drive.

I think it is worth mentioning that disk encryption is useless if you get raided while the drive is decrypted and if you don't have any special software that unmounts or powers of the disk before the forensics team have done a full copy.
If you store your files in a removable drive, hide and take it away off the scene (make sure they wouldn't see).
I guess you can call this an attempt to solve the problem I mentioned but seriously, don't expect the police to be THAT incompetent.

We do not care about the logs in realtime. We can find the logs being stupid and just remove them. Though when something happens we can purge the logs. And if ofcourse we want to ban someone from accesing our servers we need to log the ip and ban it.
I'm not questioning your motives or the need to log, just saying that security is important partly because of all the logs being stored, since you mentioned that the logs are stored to maintain security ;)

I also do not agree with the argument that privacy is irrelevant just because you "have nothing to hide" or that "nothing illegal is going on". If common sense is not enough to understand why, modern history should be.

Found it on the Webs / Re: US Investigates TOR, compromised?
« on: August 07, 2013, 12:20:53 AM »
The security of Tor becomes compromised if one has control over the exit nodes. It's safe to assume the government does, plus Tor was originally DARPA technology, so it's unwise to rely too much on it.
That depends on what you mean with security.
The exit nodes can of course read the exact data that is sent by the Tor user and where this data is going to. However, the exit node can not see where the data came from so the user is still anonymous (given that not ALL of the relays between the user and the exit nodes are not compromised by the same entity as the exit node).

We do log everything. And I mean absolutely everything, in and out. But this is to maintain our security, ..
The logs being stored are also a part of the reason for why good security is important. If the (old) logs can be stored offline on an encrypted, powered off disk that should be done to the greatest extent possible (within reason when it comes to the time it takes to manage such a policy of course).

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypassing Antamedia payment system
« on: July 29, 2013, 05:09:38 PM »
This is not local cracking, GPU's have nothing to do with it.
Poor old online cracking against a probably already overloaded box.
If the software is any good it will also limits the attempts.
Yeah.. I guess that is very true. It will have to be online.
Well in that case we can probably rule out brute force :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypassing Antamedia payment system
« on: July 29, 2013, 05:00:34 PM »
No dont think thats gonna do much good.
Bruteforcing 26^6 and than a key that only has such a short lifespan is just not worth it.
Its gonna be a slow and tedious business.

Not to completely crack your statement but stealing someones MAC address is also going to ruin your own connection.
Your only option there is to send deautentication floods if your in physical range , this would make reconnecting for this person impossible.
Hes is likely gonna complain and drawing unwanted attention in your direction.
Just my 2 cents.
You are completely right. Although a 26^6 could be brute forced in hours with say a GTX460 it might not be worth the trouble in this particular case. Then comes the issues with the MAC if the key in fact are tied to the MAC address.

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypassing Antamedia payment system
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:01:45 PM »
I guess I don't see where bruteforcing the ticket numbers would be anyway effective. If they are randomly generated at the time you buy minutes there won't be any left to retrieve from such an attack.
If you are right about that one possible workaround could be to spoof your MAC address.
If a randomly generated key is tied to a specific host and has a limited time that it can be used (the time someone paid for) you first need to obtain this host's MAC address and then begin to brute force the key. You already have the MAC of other connected hosts from your ping sweep.
This, on the other hand, is not super nice to the person who actually paid for this time since he or she are likely to experience severe connection issues during the time you use his/her MAC..

Java / Re: [Tutorial] Create Image in Applet
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:41:22 AM »
Nice :) Always fun to create some fine pixel art!

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Torrenting
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:08:30 PM »
If you surf the world wide web, you can't. Install Ghostery & AdBlock+ or similar plugins in your browser to limit some of the crap but at the end of the day, scams are part of the Internet, just as they are in the offline world. Learn to live with it.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Torrenting
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:04:46 AM »
Any idea what would happen if an average user is investigated and found to have (for example) a TB of illegal  download material in different parts of the world?
By investigated you must mean that this user is a suspect and that the police has issued a warrant, entered the users appartment and taken the users computer?
So first you have to be  a suspect in a crime investigation. What happens next depends on what country you live in and the laws in said country.

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