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Messages - chapp

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I know it's an old post (I am being told by a big fat red box...), but anyway. All slides provided in this course are made for each individual and heavily water marked with the participant's full name. All slides are images, thus just scraping the pdf for text isn't possible.

The course is not that exepensive compared to other similar courses e.g. Offensive Security's advanced windows exploitation and exodus intelligence (I haven't attented exodus', but the topics are very similar).

It is a very good course and corelan has spend a lot of time refining and developing the material. It is really worth the price.

Note that I have no affiliation with corelan, just really liked the course.

Hacking and Security / Re: [Help] Web Hacking
« on: December 04, 2014, 12:31:20 PM »
This is likely deadish, but anyhow..
Not only do you need 900 pages to cover web exploitation, but I also think they're not nearly enough.
For instance, the book merely touched on silverlight, Java applets, ActiveX controls and Flash objects. To reverse engineer native code, you need to know assembly, how to use ollydbg and IDA pro, how to beat obfuscation, etc... 1000 pages wouldn't be enough.
Web exploitation is way more complex than what you think, IMHO.

Directly from the book:
You have no idea what I think. Silverlight, ActiveX and Flash objects should not be considered a web exploitation subject unless the vector has to do with the regular web browser issues like xss / open redirection and such via a flash object and in that case it's not a flash vulnerability, but a problem related to the actionscript script. ActiveX, Flash or Java are usually binary exploitation with a remote vector e.g. a web browser with a plugin to handle the mentioned technologies. Web exploitation should consists of programming or logical errors related to the application running on a webservert or how the browser handle or are expected to handle HTML and Javascript. Getting RCE on Apache is not considered web hacking.

Generalising and even providing more specific / advanced examples of OWASP top 10 does not require 900 pages. Teaching stuff like abusing application logic to e.g. bypass security functionality or leaking information is not possible in a general way as it requires specific knowledge of the application.

I've read books about more theoretical stuff like discrete mathematics, computer architecture or data structures and algorithms, but I have to agree with the others, this topic needs hands on experience. From a hiring POV I've been to too many job interviews with people claiming to know simple stuff like in web exploitation, but when asked to coin poc's they fail.

Hacking and Security / Re: Phone tapping
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:45:30 PM »
If you're living in 2014 and believe that an echo when making cellular phone calls is a clear sign of being tapped taking off the tin foil hat would be my first advice. Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy? Ohh boy I wish..

Hacking and Security / Re: [Help] Web Hacking
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:29:13 PM »
but now becoming a good penetration tester is my main goal in life :)

I feel sad reading this... OT: If reading is your thing go a head and read 900 pages. Remember that most American publishers pay by the page. You don't need 900 pages to cover web exploitation and you could do just fine with less. The entire Windows Internals are covered by just over 1400 pages in Windows Internals part 1 and 2, it's *slightly* more complex.

The problem with books about exploitation vectors is how fast they are out dated. It's a 900 page book from 3 years ago. That aside it sounds like you have decided and likely already reading, I wish you the best and hope you will get the information needed.

Hacking and Security / Re: Vunrability Scanners
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:11:41 PM »
I find that scanners are very noisy and the result are too many false-positives, which you spend too much time verifying.

In case of an engagement I'd use scanners as they are "free" in terms of click and run for some hours, while you spend time doing something else and the noise is not a problem if agreed upon. Some engagements requires a more under the radar approach though.

Hacking and Security / MS14-066 - Microsoft Schannel RCE
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:35:17 AM »
Patch Tuesday November from Microsoft included a patch for for the Schannel package, with high likelyhood for RCE and marked as critical by Microsoft. The vulnerability was found during internal audit.

Anyone know of any exploits out for this issue yet - I'm talking private disclosed exploits, nothing seems to be in the wild yet.

Edit: Adding reference

Hacking and Security / Re: Defcon 21
« on: November 08, 2014, 08:40:11 PM »
Old post lol. Nonetheless. Ill see if I cant get my hands on some tickets for 2015 :)

Tickets are at the door and cash only, except for Blackhat attendees who will be able to order badges in advance.

DEFCON Was $220 this year, but it was better organized, next year its at two hotels I expect mayhem

August 6-9, 2015
Paris/Bally's, Las Vegas
Bally's and Paris are combined hotels, meaning from inside of Paris you can walk into Bally's and vice versa (doh..), not expecting any more mayhem than usual with 20k nerds in Las Vegas. At least it's on the strip and not 1.5km off like Rio.

I think DC 21 was better than 22. The CTF was nicer this year though due to the mixing of architectures and not all ARM. The CTF was still 8 people max and 20 teams, next year will be unlimited people and 15 teams, which I'm really looking forward to.

Beginner's Corner / Re: What Kind Scripting Language You Use Frequently?
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:45:36 PM »
I do Python. Perl is just ridiculous.

Android / Re: 3G internet hack
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:55:41 AM »
try to acces to any secure sites with protocole https such as google,fb, or any other
I'm guessing they are not doing the check via deep package inspection. That would be dumb and when in comes to charging a customer most of the ISPs don't fail.

Android / Re: 3G internet hack
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:11:45 PM »
You can't just use any proxy as the proxy have to be on the white list. If you can make facebook load content from sources you decide you're in luck, but i doubt this is possible. I don't use facebook and have very little knowledge of the whole app thing they do, but I doubt they would allow you to do any kind of proxy-related service.

Found it on the Webs / Re: AVG until 2018 Liscense Keys
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:45:55 PM »
Wooaah.. People still using anti virus software? Software to keep you safe that often just expands the attack surface.

Android / Re: 3G internet hack
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:37:02 PM »
if visited-ip in whitelist:

Data sent to or from you to a white listed IP e.g. facebook will not be charged. Unless you control the white list or can use the white listed IPs to act as proxies you are out of luck.

You can't fool your provider wrt. what IP you connect to otherwise they would not be able to serve your request.

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 20, 2014, 01:25:20 AM »
Binary is a tool and language is a system. All computers use binary but do not interpret the same string of numbers the same way. Is that correct?

My Apologies, I have a bad habbit of turning things a bit OT.

Yes, all current computers use a binary method as a way to represent data. The same binary string might have different interpretation depending on the CPU used (ARM or i386) for instructions.

The reason the usage of binary representation is that it can easily be accomplished in an electrical circuit since a switch is either on or off.

Edit: removed image from quote

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:32:47 PM »
What is language? Language is a way to represent and communicate abstract thought. Without a definition of the structure it means nothing.
I agree, but not sure about the definition is correct.

Binary has structure - as does language. Putting a random string of 1's and 0's would equate to a random string of characters. A random string of alpabetical characters does not equal a language either. If there is meaning behind a string of binary and there is a structure that is communicating a clear instruction or concept or whatever - then it is no different than a language.
Putting a random string of 1's and 0's would not equate a string of characters, without first agreeing on what represents a character. Are we strictly speaking ASCII and expect the binary dataset to be byte sized? If so we are making assumptions of certain structural requirements are met.

The only difference is the character set. Binary uses 1/0, English uses a-z, chinese uses... whatever.
No. The English language can be represented as data via a-z as we have agreed upon the meaning of this data. a-z can be represented as decimal values by the definition of ascii value as well and these decimal values can be represented in any base. This does not make a-z characters a language, but  by arranging them using certain structure and rules they can be arranged to represent the English language. So binary data can represent a language by certain rules, so can any data representation as long as this is commonly agreed upon.
If i decide that the characters tyurgh that conceptually means "add" and other people in my community agree as such, this is language representing a specific concept.

If we decide that 0100 = "add" and tell the computer how to use this concept to further our goals - it is still language.

But if thats not enough - I'll also point out that binary does not merely represent data. It represents instructions as well. Instructions by definition are a form of communication. Communication requires language.

Given this binary string:
We interpret this as many different things neither of which are correct, just different interpretations based on defined rules.
"inc ecx inc ecx inc ecx inc ecx"
"65 65 65 65"
1 99 0 0 1 99 1 99 0 0 1 99 1 99 0 0 1 99 1 99 0 0 1 99.

Yes the last one if one I made up, but it isn't incorrect. Binary is a way of representing data in a very pure form, but that does not make it a language.

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:50:02 PM »
It may not be a language, but language is still a pretty good analogy for it.
No. Binary is a way to represent data, but without a definition of the structure it does not mean anything.

Saying that binary representation is a language is like saying that any random string of characters is a language. In a computer the binary representation is instructions to the CPU. Assembly is not a language either it's an instruction set, which can be of different variants (i836, amd64, alpha, powerpc etc.).

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