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Messages - noize

Pages: [1]
Scripting Languages / Re: [Lua] Char to ASCII code
« on: July 22, 2013, 10:13:01 PM »
Actually useful, ty.  Handy for WMs that use Lua scripting like ion.

I know about Ion but I've never used it. How would this be more useful in Ion than in any other window manager? Or maybe, you were just naming Ion as it has Lua preinstalled?

Scripting Languages / [Lua] Char to ASCII code
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:36:18 PM »
Just a simple script that shows you the ASCII code for any keystroke (single keys or keycombos (e.g: SHIFT + F2)).

Code: [Select]

' filename: c2a.wlua
' author: noize


prompt = iup.text {
expand = "YES",
value = "Press one or more keys",
tip = "Key combos are accepted as well",

output = iup.text {
value = "together",
expand = "YES",

function prompt:k_any(key)
prompt.value = ""
output.value = key

dlg = iup.dialog {
iup.vbox {
iup.frame {
iup.hbox {
title = "ASCII char",
iup.frame {
iup.hbox {
title = "ASCII code",
margin = "5x5",
gap = "5",
title = "Char to ASCII",
size = "EIGHTH",
background = "255 255 255",




A quick one.

Pages: [1]

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