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Messages - ladyath

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Very good point!  I'll be sure not to have any testing scope end with just the web application or database vulnerabilities.  Thanks for the heads up  ;D

Thank you very much for the info  :)   I really appreciate it!  I have also been hunting down some of the architecture papers from IBM to get a better understanding of how WebSphere architecture fits together.  I might be looking at some of the extended integration where it is touching other systems too and your advice on what to look at is definitely going to be relevant.

Apologies for not posting my intro first - that has now been remedied. 

I'll take a stab at a couple of tests against our dev server and will most certainly check back here.   

Hacking and Security / Newbie question on basic testing: WebSphere
« on: July 18, 2013, 08:58:01 PM »
I've been lurking as a guest for a while and finally registered in the hopes of some advice.  At work, we're putting together an IBM WebSphere solution and while still in early development, we want to do some basic security tests against our dev environment just to make sure that the right doors are bolted and silly security mistakes are avoided.  Since we're not really professionals when it comes to testing, what tool sets would be useful?  I'm currently looking at Burp Suite and of course Metasploit, but are there any others that might give useful results?

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