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Messages - g00dhum0r

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I remember sitting and learning VB at the age of 14, before it was Object Oriented and making proggies to "punt" people off AOL...AOHELL, FATE, SOUTHPARK punters.... Good days..sorry, Alessandro's  application reminded me of punters for some reason.  I miss the internet in the 90'

Anyhow your articles are very informative and up-to-date and inspiring.  Keep em coming!


Hacking and Security / Re: Webcam hacking
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:27:16 PM »
It would be really cool if i can hack into some secrete military base cam, where they reverse-engineer ufo's ;) lol

If anyone know other tips, tricks, helpful links, beginners tutorial links relating to this cam hacking thing, please post.

Dude, it seems like you don't want to do any research and just want a step-by-step guide..which you're not going to get.  The reality is, hacking is dynamic and requires research and information gathering on your target and if you're already failing at the research stage then I don't know what to tell you.  When I say dynamic, I mean your approach always going to be different based on your target.  There is SO much information on the internet and in books.  You just kind of have to read the material and learn..most of the time the material is out-dated or the holes have already been patched, but you still learn and you can create your own personal knowledge-base.  Other people will only be able to help so much, that is unless you guys have the same target and working together.

It is always helpful to do research on any questions you have before you create a new thread.  I'm not saying you didn't, I'm just saying that maybe you didn't do enough.  And if you don't want to get caught, I wouldn't try to "hack" a military base..especially these days, unless you know what you are doing...then you can just make it look like North Korea did it.  LOL jk.

That being said, other users have already provided a good method: GOOGLE.  Awesome for information gathering and hacking.  And I am giving you the same advice. Learn complex google queries and you can find a lot of weaknesses in your target's infrastructure -- there are a lot of websites that will teach you advanced google searches...just GOOGLE them.  Or buy a google hacking book from amazon.

Anyhow, just my 2 cents.

Good Luck.

Found it on the Webs / Re: If ever there was an apple fanboi...
« on: September 06, 2013, 05:32:47 PM »

how so?

anyway yeah, everyone jacked from everyone else and that's how we ended up where we are...started from garages ended up as multimillionaire corporations. 

or billionaire lol

Found it on the Webs / Re: If ever there was an apple fanboi...
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:31:08 PM »
Not saying Macs are bad or anything but I would prefer a Windows/Linux box anyday over a Mac.  According to the people, apple is an "innovator".  They get credit for touchscreens and mp3 players.  Mp3 players have been around years before Apple came out with the IPOD and so have touchscreens.  I remember carding 3 sony mp3 player pen/sticks in 1998 which had 32mb of RAM lol.  It really pisses me off when people think Ipods and Apple made the first mp3 players.  They just came out with it at the right time and marketed the product real well to the 'average' consumer. Sure apple added their knowledge and research to their devices as much as stealing ideas, but the main reason Apple is famous is because of their Marketing Strategy.  Part of their strategy is make innovative products - Iphone..probably the slimmest touch screen phone there was when it first came out..that's because Steve Jobs took the prototypes and threw them in a fish tank and said if any bubbles come out, it means there's too much empty space -- my professor for one of my Masters IS classes told us the story.  Sure apple is good for Art students, and a requirement for art majors in the college i graduated from.  Basically taking risks and having a marketing team convince people they need devices that they don't really need is their expertise -- .  "Plus their 'easy to use' OS."  Everytime i see someone with an iphone i assume that they don't know much about IT -- but that's just my opinion and I am being too judgmental but I hate iphones.  One thing Apple did right is make their phones very smooth in transitioning - something my S3 is not very capable of, even with a 'fast' rom.

That being said, I do not think an Apple is a 'Tech guys' platform. I believe that the phones are too locked and Itunes is retarded.  Android gives more freedom and therefor more 'techy' because we like to tinker with things.  Sure you can jailbreak an iphone but I would still prefer an android.  I still want a macbook for browsing the web and what not, but I wouldn't do anything serious on it - I think I am just attracted to their display.

And as far is this Apple Fanboi dude, he's lucky he can afford all that shit.  If it were me I would've chose a variety of devices such as oranges vs apples, but to each his own.  I didn't even watch the video to be honest. lol

Tutorials / Re: A guide to Alternate Data Streams
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:03:54 AM »

2.) You can hide malwares, trojans behind some files and then send them to victim but remember, make sure to make it FUD so that antivirus doesn't block it.

This topic may be kind of old, but I figure I would ask this question, just in case someone else in the future has the same question.  It's cool that you can hide malware, etc. behind files and send them to others, but what is the best way to make them execute the hidden file?  If you send them an .exe attached to a .txt file, the exe wouldn't launch when they double click the txt file, correct?  So what is the best way?

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