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Messages - surreal2daze

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: so, i bought new computer
« on: July 06, 2013, 12:20:36 PM »
That's nice. On my opinion if i buy a laptop. I will choose laptop that don't have windows installed on it already it will cut the price lower  :D . Since you had that laptop already and love playing games like me specially assassins creed.
windows for main OS then install any linux OS you like in virtual machine.

At no point did I see mention of Microsoft, I wouldn't call an extension of VS a "Microsoft Best-Kept Secret".

Same here before i saw it it give's me a  ;D . I see this tool free/(OSS)Open Source Software plugin that turns Visual Studio into a Python IDE and its great.


Python Tools for Visual Studio. Whether you're just interested in learning Python or you're a hardcore PhD who wants mixed-language Python and C++ debugging or somewhere in between, you gotta check this out. (Seriously, the mixed-mode debugging thing can't be overstressed...)

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