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Messages - ftb

Pages: [1]
General discussion / TOR exit node raid
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:40:52 PM »
A bit old news but still... damn. I run a traffic nod myself, but I'm curious to what makes a man decide to run an exit one- ignorance or bravery ?

Operating System / Re: Going Over To Linux, Maybe
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:44:47 AM »
That is the way to go but don't even think about Ubuntu or you are gonna be stuck in that comfort-good-for-nothing zone.

Whats wrong with Ubuntu? I was gonna use it as my 'crossover', so just asking

I don't know if you are looking for some code to implement in you're own python program that allows you to do it, or are you just looking for software that you can use to download the FLV? If the case is the former- I can't help you, but if it is the later- I know you can use wireshark to do this.

Video bellow explains how:

Found it on the Webs / Re: A day made of glass
« on: August 31, 2013, 07:30:35 AM »
Meanwhile Syria gets bombed the shit out of it... hardly a day of glass in their future

Hacking and Security / Re: A question on decryption
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:29:35 PM »
Sorry, took me a while to google out what you just told me :)

Distinguishing attack is probably the way to go, again it will take me some net digging to figure out how to do it, but from what I have seen there is very little of what remains as a constant when I re-enter the text in the 2nd attempt

I'm not really sure what would a proprietary algorithm be? 

Hacking and Security / A question on decryption
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:18:56 PM »

I have a question regarding decryption and would be grateful if someone, a bit more experienced then me in the matter (really not that hard), would lend me his own insights.

The long and the short of it is: is there a way to figure out the decryption method if I know
1)the encrypted text and
2)the result of the decryption ( the encrypted plain text in 1) ) ?

There is this web site which in one of its processes takes the plain text you submitted and  stores it as encrypted text. So basically, I know what I have entered and I see what the outcome of the encryption is- but I don't know what the encryption method is.

For eg.
Plain text
Encrypted 1000:1lRoEToUphRqpuof/1JpzPDUy1FOIoYu:caKyBrE8BTAlsTLYyQV91S90SKgLqOCn

The peculiar thing is, if I was to submit asdf123 again, it would shoot out a different encryption text, almost as if it was spouting out gibberish. But of course its not, since it recognizes the text later on.

As I stated earlier I am really not that versed in the matter but I used all of the online hash calculators I could find- to no avail. The constant in all of the different combinations that I have entered is that after the "1000:" there are 63charecters (without the special charecters ":", "+"...etc.). Also, for what its worth, it follows this pattern

[1000:];[random letters and numbers];[operation function symbol such as "+" or in upper case "/"];[random letters and numbers];[:];[random text and numbers]

That would be all I know- all input appreciated.

Found it on the Webs / Re: [Free] SMS Spoofing
« on: August 23, 2013, 08:21:26 PM »
This looks VERY good. So good in fact, that I am a bit suspicious about it: could there possible be a catch in a site like this? I mean, they got to have expenses of their own, do the couple of ads that are on their site really cover it? And is there a chance that the numbers we enter will get stored & spammed in some point in time?


How do you give people cookies? I have stumbled upon a dozen good posts by now and can't seem to find the button to give people props?

General discussion / Re: A question from a noob
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:00:47 PM »
Thanks for the encouraging replies guys!

It can all get a bit confusing at first but its good to know that I'm on the right track. I got a bunch of resources lined up in my bookmarks so I guess I will be occupied for some time. Also, I have been skimming the forum and it seems to have a lot of neat content, hope I get to understand some of it soon. ;)

Oh, and I'll get that introduction page set up ASAP.


General discussion / A question from a noob
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:25:54 PM »
First of all- Hello everyone

I have a question that I'm struggling with right now and believe that some of the posters on this forum would be more then adequate in shedding some light on the subject. In the near past, I have decided that I want to become *drum roll* a hacker. I know it's kind of a grandiose statement, but please hear me out.

At 1st I just toyed around with some basic functions like the "Inspect element" thing you have in your browser and was BLOWN away when I discovered that you can actually see the letters behind the '*' in the password login boxes. After that I started exploring and soon after, the realization dawned upon me that you can do a HELL of a lot more.

Please do not be fooled by my informal writing style- I bare no unrealistic expectations regarding this endeavor. My plan is devoting 3-5h a day for the next ~10years in order to master this area. I feel that I am in no rush to learn this since I actually enjoy doing this and treat it as my pastime activity.

Now, since my overall knowledge of computers is around average, the first course of action should probably be to 'get me up to speed'. I have spent ~30h researching and devised the following plan of learning for my self:

1) Understanding the basics of how the computer works
2) Understanding the Windows and Unix OS
3) Learning languages (in the following order): C, C++, php, html and finally assembly
4) Learning about and getting a strong knowledge base about networks (local and the internet)

My goal is, ultimately, being able to reverse engineer software, discover vulnerabilities
and become a 'white hat' hacker

So my question would basically be:

a) IYO, Is the learning course I have stated above valid ?
b) Is it possible to make this journey on your own- without a real live mentor and/or institutionalized assistance eg. a college?

And just as a side note:
c) I am 24yr old; Point blank: Do you think I am too old to start learning this from scratch?

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