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Messages - EnderM5

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Busted...
« on: August 29, 2013, 01:48:42 AM »
Seriously?? can i ask where are you from??.. because in my country is not against the law, any type of p2p downloading, but is punished with 4 year in jail the redistribution of downloaded medias... but only if i take money for that, im totaly free to share with my friends my downloads, as a long i dont take money for that

What country is that? Maybe I'll move there for a few weeks, downloading every thing I can get my hands on, and then fly back to the States.  ;)


Oh, and no, I don't mean busted as by the FBI, and that I'm afraid that they will bust down my front door or something. I'm just posting something interesting that happened.

General discussion / Re: Busted...
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:21:06 PM »
Take a look at the ime or header the e-mail have. Maybe it was a scam.

Nope. Already looked at all of that. Seems to check out. The e-mail is the same address where we get our e-mail from our company.

Of course... Somebody could have hacked the company, only to send us an e-mail telling us that we're doing illegal activities!!

Hacking and Security / Re: A female friend of mine gets stalked!
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:19:02 PM »
Judging by your text Raavgo, your atitude changed in an instant, either, you are not telling the truth, or you are overly happy/confused.


You're right!

Maybe the actual stalker is holding him hostage somehow, and forcing him to write this...

General discussion / Re: Busted...
« on: August 13, 2013, 01:52:42 PM »
You torrented it , the trackers are havily monitored by the auth.
Free nah, at least not at acceptable speeds, not gonna happen.
You could try getting into a private tracker which increases your odds greatly.
I used to be member of before it mysteriously disappeared.
Otherwise youll just have to get on newsgroups or get a paid VPN/proxy.

Thats pretty much how it is.

In the other scenario your are infected with something and your PC is indeed sending out garbage to god knows who.
Dont really think thats very likely but in that case you gonna have to fire up wireshark.

Before I forget, you received an E-mail you said.
How are you so sure its the real thing?
Sounds like a pretty awesome scam to me :)
Would apply to must people.

It was from our cable company, and it wasn't asking for anything. I would understand if it was asking for a bribe or something like that, but it was just saying how they would shut down internet if didn't stop, things like that.

I gave you a cookie. :D

General discussion / Busted...
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:09:18 AM »
So, a few months ago, I downloaded Hitman Absolution off of Skidrow, as a torrent.

Then, a few weeks later, I get an e-mail telling me that I downloaded illegal content... all that stuff.

I need a way to download things that masks my network address.

(That is free. I know of some things out there that do mask it, but they cost $$$.)

Also, could use some information as to how the actual copyright thingy found that I downloaded it.

Do they simply monitor all known sites where you can download cracks?
Does the game send out a signal whenever it is installed via Internet, and they simply corroborate that with the number of times the game was purchased? (If so, would redownloading it and only playing it completely disconnected from the Internet work??)

Thank you.

General discussion / Re: Epic Movies!
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:02:36 AM »
Spy Hard, Top Secret, Three Amigos, Spies Like Us, for Comedy.

Ben-Hur for... I don't really know where that would go...


Guns from Navarone, Force 10 from Navarone...

Hacking and Security / Re: A female friend of mine gets stalked!
« on: July 14, 2013, 06:25:08 PM »
call the police

OR you could be the hero in front of your "lady friend" and solve the problem by yourself. (Be the knight in shining armor, so to speak.)

Of course, that might not seem like such a good idea once you're lying in a roadside ditch with no recollection of what happened after you tried to face the guy 1v1...

Pages: [1]

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