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Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [EvilTutorial] The Art of Anonymity
« on: July 02, 2013, 08:39:02 PM »
nice post lucid!  if i could add on to your post...
there additional layers of anonymity to consider when trying to remain anonymous.  digital anonymity is pointless if it can be traced back to you physically.  here's my two cents on one of those layers in regards to using vpn/proxy/etc services that are fee-for-service types.  they mostly all claim to not keep your information and that it is destroyed immediately once payment is processed.
- 1st, most important step, if you plan on using any of the fee-for-service vpns, do not pay for the service with your own credit card!
  as lucid already said in his tut, even if the site claims they do not log or keep any information, never assume they are not storing or selling something on you somewhere.
- if you do plan on paying for a service, use a pre-paid one time use card.
- if you plan on purchasing a pre-paid card, again do not use your own credit card to do so, use cash or another previously purchased pre-paid card.
- if you plan on purchasing a pre-paid card in person, do not smile at the camera behind the counter!  reasonably disguise yourself (as not to draw too much attention), and if possible, find a place that does not have video surveilance behind the counter and/or parking lot.  definitely not a big name established chain with a video backup system with archives for months/years!
there are multiple layers of anonymity to consider well beyond lucid's tut and this quick "do this, not that".  any failure in those layers can be attributed to a = bust!  and your true identity is revealed... those 3-letter agency guys are pretty good, ya know.
how paranoid are you?!?! --that's the million $ question!  and only the most paranoid are the one's that have a chance in hell at staying anonymous.

Pages: [1]

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