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Messages - Kryptonite

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Raspberry Pi with SIM900 GSM Module
« on: April 15, 2014, 12:06:14 AM »
Hi guys I'm sorry to bump this thread but I found a solution to my problem.

The error code I had still didn't exist wherever I searched, but my problem was solved after forcing the sms-encoding to "GSM" as suggested in this thread:

So the code used was:


General discussion / Re: Raspberry Pi with SIM900 GSM Module
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:19:28 PM »
The error described in the manual says its an "Invalid input value". I'm not sure what to make of that. I tested the sim card to make sure it was in order from my phone, and it does work fine

EDIT: Actually, the manual only specifies a CMS error with that number, and I'm getting a CME error

General discussion / Raspberry Pi with SIM900 GSM Module
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:13:10 PM »
Hi guys

My latest project has me working with a RPi which needs GSM access to upload data from a remote location to a database. I have stumbled upon a few issues and I was hoping somebody may be able to provide insight.

- I have integrated the RPi with the GSM module. Using a serial comm medium with my computer and Hercules, I test the module with AT, where a reply of OK is received, showing cooperation. However, when trying to send an SMS, i receive the following error:
                      CME error: 765

I have searched the net for the source of this error, and have found nothing helpful.
I'm using AT+CSMP=17,167,0,16 and AT+CMGS="+27825577469"

Phoning my cellphone also did not work. I used the ATD function for that

- After confirming that the GSM definitely works, I need to send data to a database which I've created. I know in theory how this works, but I do not know how to actually implement it.

Thank you for your time, your help is much appreciated

.NET Framework / Re: Visual Basic - Real time graphing
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:30:07 PM »
The goal of the project attached was to:
- receive information in the form of a string via serial communication
- extract the various readings
- plot and display a real time graph
- and to save various values into a database

Use it as you will, but please make sure not to include any of the names in the project

(it may not work if the database directory isn't corrected)

.NET Framework / Re: Visual Basic - Real time graphing
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:12:26 PM »
I was able to use a few chart controls built into the VB environment. If anybody needs any help with a similar problem in the future, contact me and I shall provide my code and project

.NET Framework / Visual Basic - SQL (add row to table)
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:15:45 AM »
Hi guys,

I'm having a tough time Adding rows on my project. I first used the project from : which worked perfectly, however, on my project where I edited the project above to add a row which has 4 columns, it tells me that there is an "INSERT INTO" error.
Even searching the error on-line served no help.

Please let me know if you know a different way to accomplish this

.NET Framework / Re: Visual Basic - Real time graphing
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:27:48 AM »
I'm not forced to use VB, but that's what I'm familiar with, because I still have to create a GUI and perform several other functions and interact with databases. If I use Python, I'll have to learn the language first

.NET Framework / Visual Basic - Real time graphing
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:47:36 PM »
Good day guys,

I am currently working with VB 2010, and am to receive values via RS232 communication, and plot these received values in a real time graph.

I have searched the net, but I cannot seem to narrow down on a proper tutorial or explanation on how to achieve this.

Would anybody here be able to help or explain what needs to be done?

Thanks in advance

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Torrenting
« on: July 28, 2013, 08:29:11 PM »
I had been a victim of the "FBI Warning, you have 3 days to pay an X amount" scam recently. I did know it was a scam soon after, but for those few moments when the warning came up, my heart pounded to my throat.

After I hysterically powered off the computer and did research, I found out someone had sent that, and it wasn't an automated download. How can I prevent future such scams, or being a target to such threats?

General discussion / Re: PennApp Hackathon pledge
« on: July 26, 2013, 04:18:59 PM »
Sigh... I should have realised, since the iron price is paid in this place 8o

General discussion / PennApp Hackathon pledge
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:45:41 PM »
Hi guys,

I have a friend who is going to participate in a hackathon in Pennsylvania, and is trying to raise funds to make the trip possible.

Please visit the following site for more details:

Your contribution is highly appreciated

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Torrenting
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:28:39 PM »
Any idea what would happen if an average user is investigated and found to have (for example) a TB of illegal  download material in different parts of the world?

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Hiding files on windows
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:25:10 PM »
I used to have a folder on the desktop with a white background when I was a kid, and just change the icon to white. But I have no use for hidden folders now

Pages: [1]

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