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Messages - Chef

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General discussion / Re: 5 million GMail accounts' password leaked
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:39:54 AM »
Post the link for the pw's?

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: "Bioshock Infinite" mini-review
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:43:53 PM »
When I played the game, I would smoke so much weed and the game was just amazing. I recommend it and much more if your stoned.

You can try out guerrilla mail. The email lasts 1 hour and you can send and receive. There is also features of changing your email address name, etc.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Telekinesis and shit
« on: August 30, 2014, 06:02:27 AM »
@Code.Illusionist Yeah I really find witchcraft to be incredibly peaceful and fulfilling. I currently don't live in the most calm household so I don't get to use all of my crafts. In my closet I have a huge collection of incense 's ranging from sandlewood, hemp, frankencense, witches circle, etc. I got the altar cloth, pentacle for incense, even a small hand crafted cauldron, and two chinese good luck bowls for water and salt, I have a small bell with a pentagram engraved on it as well. Honestly, I cherish it all so much. And lighting all the various candles and sitting there meditating or even practicing the craft is just empowering.
I got majority of my stuff from, they also have excellent customer service. I ordered several times and they put a personal note and a free pendant each time. Very surprised to see somebody on here that also knows this craft. Cookie for you. :)

Found it on the Webs / Re: Telekinesis and shit
« on: August 28, 2014, 04:20:02 PM »
I'm into a lot of that shit that most people don't believe in (aliens, conspiracies, witchcraft, etc) so I'd have to say I definitely believe telekinesis is possible.

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking path
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:46:42 PM »
I'd say you should focus primarily on learning a programming language. Which language depends on what you want to do though.

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking path
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:20:12 PM »
First off, what are your current skills?

Found it on the Webs / Re: VMware Workstation 10 serial keys
« on: August 25, 2014, 03:26:11 PM »
Just used the last key at the bottom. I was needing this, thanks!

Thanks for the share. I already have Kali Linux running with WM Ware Workstation, now I'll finally figure out how to use it.  ::)

General discussion / Re: wondering if I have just gotten HIV or HCV!
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:44:08 AM »
That was hardcore point right there. I applaud you, sir.

Perhaps he was scared-sober upon drunkenly realizing he done fucked up?

C - C++ / Re: [Cpp] What is wrong w/ my code?
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:35:16 AM »
Use strcmpi() for checks on the type of mathematic operation to use. It's not case sensitive.
I don't need help w/ that. My problem is when it asks the user "What mathmatical operation would you like to do?" basically, no matter what I type is says "What is the first number in your addition sequence?".
I can't get it to choose accordingly based on what the user inputs. 

C - C++ / [Cpp] What is wrong w/ my code?
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:46:27 AM »
Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()
        float a;
        float b;
        float result;
        string asd1;

        cout << "What mathmatical operation would you like to do?";
        cin >> asd1;

        if (asd1=="addition", "Addition")
        cout << "What is the first number in your addition sequence? ";
        cin >> a;
        cout << "What is the second number in your addition sequence? ";
        cin >> b;
        result = a+b;
        cout << "The answer is: " << result << ".\n";

        else if (asd1=="division", "Division")
        cout << "What is the first number in this division equation? ";
        cin >> a;
        cout << "What is the second number in this division equation? ";
        cin >> b;
        result = a/b;
        cout << "The answer is " << result << ".\n";

        else if (asd1=="subtraction", "Subtraction")
        cout << "What is the first number in the subtraction equation?";
        cin >> a;
        cout << "What is the second number?";
        cin >> b;
        cout << "The answer is: " << result << ".\n";
        else if (asd1 == "multiplication", "Multiplication")
        cout << "What is the first number in your multiplication equation?";
        cin >> a;
        cout << "What is the second number?";
        cin >> b;
        cout << "The answer is " << result << ".\n";
        return 0;

Found it on the Webs / Re: May the NSA burn!
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:47:55 PM »
I actually heard that Stormfront is a honeypot set up by law enforcement to find information on hacktivist's that assault the site...

Found it on the Webs / Re: May the NSA burn!
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:09:53 AM »
Has anyone noticed the website is some kinda of racialist shit website for white people. I don't know it just caught my attention


Hacking and Security / Re: Null encoding
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:46:32 PM »
I have no idea what language I should use. I could make HTML page and then use PHP code to ecnode / decode. Same with javascript. Or maybe in C, or maybe in Visual Basic.

Bro do it in C++! Lol I'm only saying that because that's the language I'm learning

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