Hacking and Security / Re: Major new Snowden publication: IPSec, PPTP, SSH, possibly SSL and TLS not secure
« on: January 01, 2015, 02:11:56 PM »
Excellent post Resistor- thanks for this really interesting stuff; great reminder of the quality of research coming from CCC.
I do agree with Madf0x that there's still no visibility of any of these agencies actually achieving a half-decent hack on a connection - these idiots continue to run rampant amongst us; probably outsourced their super crypto cracking wizards to an offshore location for cheap labour....
I do agree with Madf0x that there's still no visibility of any of these agencies actually achieving a half-decent hack on a connection - these idiots continue to run rampant amongst us; probably outsourced their super crypto cracking wizards to an offshore location for cheap labour....