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Messages - omegaflare

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Hiding files on windows
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:01:03 AM »
There's no need to hide files, just encrypt your file with this software: aescrypt. Encrypt it with a strong, random generated password - memorize it - then your file is perfectly safe for another century or so.

Anonymity and Privacy / Phantom Peer
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:07:39 AM »

What's your thought on PhantomPeer? I heard it's a very good service and it doesn't log any activity. I know it's not based in US. And paying for this service in Bitcoin is a nice added bonus to anonymity.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Tor project
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:55:56 AM »
Who cares if they're logged? Using SSL and chaining proxies(different countries) takes care of it.
Do I care if they log "AAKAHAGAJAJ1234417AHJSJ" ? As long as they don't log any 401 it's fine by me.
Even if they know that the IP (Proxy) sent a 401 to this website and that I was connected to it, doesn't mean anything, 1 proxy server can be used by so many people.

Also if you want to be anonymous why using a web proxy? Pick the train to a city 100miles away from your home town and access a free public WiFi , use some new clothes and have some stickers in your laptop, change the MAC before, afterwards burn your clothes and remove the stickers , change MAC back to original and it can't be proven.
Are you really that paranoid?

This kind of stuff has been debated over and over again, depends on the usage you want to give it.

Also about the record by governmental parties, you can't do anything except encrypting the data before sending it through their server, something like PGP, use the public key and send the data, they can't decrypt it.

Cryptoheaven solved that problem, email only. This is WHY I don't want NSA to keep track of my  internet activity. I am no longer using email service in the US because of NSA breach of privacy. Cryptoheaven is located in Canada and all of the email content is encrypted with AES 256 before sending it out. Like learning said, NSA can't decrypt it (man in the middle attack).

- You can use AES CRYPT to encrypt your files (, and then you can put it via clouds (google drive, skydive, and etc). Even if NSA sees the encrypted files, it won't be able to crack it as long you have the password randomly generated with 12+ characters. Will it be cracked? Not for another 10,000 or 100,000 years. You would be dead by then -- waste of tax payer's money.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [EvilTutorial] The Art of Anonymity
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:23:30 AM »
I want to add one more thing: cryptoheaven. It's a nice client-based email in Canada, all of the in-between communication in the middle is encrypted with AES 256. On top of that, you really don't have to register. Fake names, no email verification, and no IP-logging. And to further add icing to the cake: you can literally self-destruct your account on the whim of your finger.

- I often use openVPN but with PhantomPeer - untraceable. And it doesn't reside in the US. Most people will pay via PayPal or CC. But to add anonymity - use bitcoin: US can't do jackshit about it.

- Yes, I often get DNS leak with freeVPN via openVPN. This is why I use PhantomPeer (pay in Bitcoin only).
- Bitmessages - untraceable because it's a decentralized email client. Use Proxies and/or Tor to add anonymity (Bitmessages will work with Tor).
- Mac Changer? Not a big fan of it. Useful, but not really.
- VMware: I put it inside my encrypted system drive (internally or externally, doesn't matter).  So if I see something went wrong, just delete the VM files. You're good to go.   

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