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Messages - ilvae

Pages: [1]
As ande stated, go study and come back later.
Your questions are of no meaning nor will the awnser be.

Yeah I've realized the stupidity of this post like... a week later when I forgot to check back and found the solution myself a while ago. >______< /facepalm

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Using hacking skills to combat evil
« on: June 25, 2013, 06:13:23 PM »
Yeah I'm sure any skilled hacker could easily take down the average child pornographer or snuff producer if he/she invested sufficient time and effort. Unlike LE agents, freelance hackers can work outside the law, enabling them to use methods that the police cannot.


Science / Re: Personality Types Psychology
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:24:18 PM »
Apparently I'm an INTJ...

I suggest you read up on how TCP/IP, proxies and tunneling, and networking in general works. Your proxy is only as good as the proxy provider logging policy, what information the proxy transports from your end to the real end and its capacity. Your MAC is only important if you are not on your own network/behind Router/NAT.

If you want tips. Stop using public or for-rent proxies/VPN's and set up your own, that way making sure there are absolutely no logs on the tunneling server. Additionally, depending on what you want to do with your fresh proxy. Get another one and another one and [insert needed privacy level here * another one] and link them up.


There are many reasons to change your MAC address. If you are on an unfamiliar/public network OR someone else gets access to your network, your MAC can reveal your identity.

I've heard of USB adapters that could change the MAC address, as well as changing the IP of my router from my local ISP. Thoughts, sage?

This is the sequence I've tried to hide my original IP address:
I ran command prompt ipconfig /all and then used Change MAC Address
then I launched FreeSafeIP and connected to a random IP.
When I loaded basic anon servers on Proxy Switcher Standard and connected to a working alive SSL, somehow my IP only shows up as the one I've chosen on FreeSafeIP.

Any tips?

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