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reaver is a very active attack, not an offline BF attack. Do some research before asking dumb questions, you didn't really think these other guys have never heard of reaver did you?

This is very interesting actually. Reading through the .PDF, never thought of triggering the breakers but it's almost 80% always accessible physically.

News and Announcements / Re: One New GMOD
« on: March 20, 2015, 04:25:27 PM »
Out of all the niggas I trust, it's my nigga HTH. <3
I can't wait to touch your hammer.

General discussion / Re: imStillHere
« on: March 14, 2015, 10:06:40 AM »
Thanks for the update! I was really worried about you for a sec. See you in two years!

Hacking and Security / Re: How do you practise hacking?
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:10:15 PM »
You can "practice" within a virtual environment. Keep in mind hacking is to manipulate something other than what it's true design was for. You can just setup a Virtual environment lab where you can run a few Servers and provide many Services to start pen-testing or hacking your way into patched or vulnerable systems.

General discussion / Re: Anyone use WOT ?
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:05:22 AM »
Its part of my default tools, I never browse the web without stuff like this.

NoScript/AlwaysHTTPS/WOT/PageMonitor/AdBlock+ etc etc.

General discussion / Galaxy S6 Edge or HTC M9?
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:00:17 AM »
Hey big homies,

I'm normally on IRC to ask this type of business question but I cant access it right now.

Anyone have some input on this line up?

I'm on the bench of one or the other, I need another phone this Note 4 I have isnt cutting it.

Projects and Discussion / Re: What Project are you working on?
« on: February 13, 2015, 09:53:15 PM »
Maintenance Automation Tool I created to speed up basic Windows tune up for customers, been working on it for months because of my free time and lack of programming/script understanding... was all in batch till dev helped me convert it to an executable. Now I'm trying my luck at PowerShell.

Basically I set it and forget it as it runs for about 3/6 hours and reboots itself. Then runs every month so I never have to touch that machine again.

Networking / Cisco Networking Question
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:48:29 PM »
Hey EvilZone,

Curious to know if I should go directly for a CCNA cert or stop by the CCENT cert first?

Has anyone been in this position, is it a waste of time going for the CCENT if you already have the basic understand of Networking and the OSI model?


Networking / Re: BGP with GNS3
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:42:51 PM »

You're a boss. Thanks for showing me GNS3.
Packet Tracer is good and all but.... not for me.

Going to check out the report!

General discussion / Re: Probably leaving the "hacker scene" for good
« on: July 02, 2014, 10:57:41 PM »
Do what you want, you don't have to quit anything. You find many interest throughout your life, don't give up learning. That would be bad, I hope you work with Servers and not Desktops that way you can at least make some good income. 

General discussion / Re: Has anyone been to defcon?
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:48:44 PM »
I didn't know BH was that expensive, I would only go if my company endorsed the cost. I'm sure the large security companies expense the cost for all employees. Although Defcon would be the route to take for anyone seeking a good time and a large learning experience. I can guarantee the people at Defcon have the same intelligence, except they go for one purpose, have fun and enjoy the time with other hackers/professionals.

No offense taken we both have unique personality's, I understand the situation. I'll continue to do more tutorials with time, I'm enjoying my time here at EZ to be honest.  :)

I'll post the video for you, I just think it's very offensive to give a hand and having your work questioned; despite his ranking on EZ that is not the way to come off.

I'll be looking to release more videos tomorrow on other topics.

Why the fuck would I lie and post a random video, either way I removed the video.
 "Talk about contributing right?" So not worth my breath.

I've thought of a pretty fool proof method to communication securely and efficiently. Both parties (Limit 5) can download LogMeIn-Hamachi VPN client then install it, then again both parties must then download Vadalia the Tor VPN and once it's up a functional you apply the Sock5 settings from Vadalia to the Hamachi client, that will encrypt all communication between the group secure VPN provided by Hamachi. There's also a few more configurations that come between all this on the client side for Hamachi but that's the jist of it. I'd produce a tutorial if enough people request it, hope that answers your question to a fool proof secure chat method.

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