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Messages - purelysam

Pages: [1]
I'm here to learn I'd probably be the newest member to date, but eh. So long as I learn everything I can I'm quite happy! Besides, no matter how good you are there is always going to be an Asian out there better then you are! :P

Tutorials / Re: just some links
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:58:44 PM »
Very helpful! Thanks

Hacking and Security / Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« on: May 30, 2013, 11:34:33 AM »
This isn't a hack but a while back my Grandparents asked me to change there OS from 95 to XP. So I thought this can't be too hard, they told me they had backups of everything so I commenced the installation. Once completed, they gave me a bunch of floppy discs and told me to reconfigure the internet.

I still have no idea how to reconfigure there dialup internet with these floppy discs, and I felt like death knowing that they'd have to call someone in just to refix the line.

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