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Messages - treyking308

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: tracking help
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:12:54 AM »
Just call the fucking cops?
the cops wont do shit unless i have evidence that he took it all they would do is mark it as stolen and be done with it

Mobile Hacking / Re: tracking help
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:53:13 PM »
You can try,
1.physicaly torture your uncle
2.mentally torture your uncle
3.sexually torture your uncle
4. Use find my iphone service:
i suggest option 3, works better than option 4. Good luck, and mind telling me what line of uncle is he? He would have been dead by now if he were mine. :@
1 like ur pic its kool 2 the find my iphone only works if my itunes account was linked to it which its not and 3 he lives over an hour away if he lived near me he would currently be in the hospital as for i have some fucked up anger problems if u piss me off enough which he has i thought maybe someone on here would have possible way of tracking it threw someway idk lol this websites full of smart people >.< im learning more about computer on here though

Mobile Hacking / tracking help
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:11:40 PM »
My uncle stole my iphone 3gs but since i can't prove this i can't do shit about it i want to know if there is a way to track the device my uncle restored it because its been shut off of my icloud tracking thing and it isnt turned on anymore all i have is the serial number and something else is there anyway i could track it with that if he conects it to the wifi at his house?

Pages: [1]

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