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Messages - DioGt

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Why not TOR does provide a decent out of the box way to hide one's identity.
That is if used correctly.
You can always chain some proxies behind it , does provide a quite oke way to hide the source.
Trusting random socks is also a little scary.

In my opinion it's not about staying anonymous, but make them hard to find you as much as you can..I mean what ever you try you will never be 100% anonymous...

Also even if they find you they need some proof that you did it...So it's also important to clear the traces from your own PC ...

But in the first place, to search for you it means that you did somethink that they notice defacing the site Or but some leaked data online.

So to be ok you have to clear your traces from the web/pc and don't give them a reason to search for you..

So let's start with some general theory

Almost every Sim has directories like:
RD (Root Directory)
MF (Master File)
DF-tel (Directory- Telcom)
DF-gsm (Directory-GSM)
DF-3g (Directory-3G)
EF (Elementary File)

More Spesific tha location of DF(tel/gsm/3g) are subsets of MF and MF is subset of RD

EF is the Directory that info of SIM kept, like: Phone-contacts, Sended sms etc.

Every SIM has uniqe : IMSI-TMSI / LAI / BCCH

IMSI-TMSI : permanent-temporary customer identity network
LAI: Location of customer
BCCH: control channel

and you can access on these only if you know KI and KC

[Pin also need to access some directories]

Ki:  key [password for encryption]
KC: session key (Key for the encryption - not stable/ can change)

Encryption that GSM - 3G networks use: A5/2 > A5/1 > A5/3 > A5/0   [A3, A8]

*On AuC-(Authentication Center) is saved the Ki*

A5/2  most powerful than: A5/1 >A5/3 > A5/0
A5/1 most powerful than: A5/3 A5/0 - actually is means no encryption :D

a) to testify the network provider the phone compare the Ki that the phone has with the one on their system to see if it is the same [to do that they use A3 algorithm]

b) with Ki data & A8 algorithm the Kc is created.

c) with the Kc now ready the A5/x encryption (= algorithm ) encrypts the singal for a call Or sms Or  internet (3G).

NOW about the "free" 3G internet. There are 2 (maybe 3 ) possible ways I've thought.

*That doesn't means that they will work :p  BUT they have great possibilities to work! *

1. Hijack the:  IMSI-TMSI / LAI / BCCH  and Ki from an other User to get "free" access on the net with him/her paying the bill :p  ( Too risky, but it can work)

2. by bypassing the security network and get free access ( working on that)

3. By exloiting the free 0.facebook access and gain access to other sites without paying ( Needs advanced knowlegde to Mobile networks

Because it takes lot's of time to write all these and also i do not have complete my thoughts  i will continue to P2 (part 2) :)

A photo i found that explains how Directories of sim are: (don't have 3G network)

P.S.: Sorry for my english :D

Hacking and Security / Re: 3G USB Modem Hacking (Free Internet)
« on: October 08, 2013, 09:33:57 PM »
I will  make a more detail post tomorrow, because it's late (here)  ..

Hacking and Security / Re: 3G USB Modem Hacking (Free Internet)
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:07:33 PM »
quick question, i have a 3g USB modem

  - Manufacturer    :huawei
  - Model        :E1752
  - Revision    :

is there any way i can get free internet, i dont only want to open it to any network iv allready done that.  i need to know if i can get free internet

i also have a E3131 modem ??? ???

and just to let  you know big things are cumming sooon, bubzuru is out of rehab (but still usin haha)

It's i gues it must have a sim or sometihnk...
3G also is used to Mobile networks...

So to get free access you need to change default settings From Sim ( After you Find KI etc.) BUT you need to find a network that already has free net hack it and take  credentials...

E.x. : I change in my Sim's default settings to have free sms this way:

There was an app for android/iphone ..that tells you how many $$ you have. The app sends an sms to my phone every time i am from wireless to find out my number...but the sms is free..
So i bypass the encryption of the app i get the network credentials, then i bypass Sim's seurity (actually a friend did that for me ) and i change the credentials ...and i have free sms now...

I think there is a way like this that can work...

P.S. : Haven't read all the posts :p

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