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Messages - etvtaglios

Pages: [1]
Android / Re: good roms for samsung galaxy s2
« on: September 30, 2013, 04:46:22 AM »
tray slim rom

Hacking and Security / Re: search people online
« on: September 20, 2013, 06:55:31 PM »
thats rigth and  i dont understand why buth thanks all

Hacking and Security / Re: search people online
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:15:33 AM »
Dude what. You were hired by a company to do this, and you come here for help without really doing any sort of research? Someone needs to be fired... Or maybe I misread your post, idk, the english was awful, so I only sort of think that I know what you are saying.
dude fisrt off all im am from mexico well excuse me if  i am not a hacker like you
the thing is that  you or the furum wiil give me options  or usefuill not like your post

but thanks

Umm okay well you can always look up OSINT and go from there. How did you get this job?

well thanks for your answer.

'm born cancun mexico a company first hired me to ride them a couple of linux servers I actually know something about computer security and they said if I could find an employee who had stolen a couple of accounts and they like maltego use

but it turns out that the CEO works for the good government investigations and hired me for the job

Staff note: bitches don't get to edit. They get edited.

Hacking and Security / search people online
« on: September 19, 2013, 04:25:32 AM »

Hello good evening I have the following questions tell them
I have been hired by a private company suggestibility, I have the position of "search online digital profiles"
currently with the softwere good maltego (kali linux I have good results but I would like to go deeper

as I can find, locate people online?
there any website?
or any program? maltego besides?

thanks 8)

Pages: [1]

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