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Messages - Rav3n

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: Handy tricks/shortcuts
« on: May 12, 2013, 09:20:43 PM »
windows Key + Pause/Break key = display System Properties
Alt + Ctrl + Del keys = open task manager too
windows Key + L = quickly switch user
Ctrl + D = bookmark a page ( firefox )
Ctrl + U = open page source code ( firefox )
And Of course "F11" == Full page ( wide screen ) in Firefox

This is where i learned bash script, it's the easiest tutorial i ever tried :

if you using windows, install cygwin, it will help you learn bash and still run windows.

Tutorials / Re: Basic Phishing Tutorial
« on: May 11, 2013, 04:45:08 PM »
I thought so :)
I will try that after finishing a php tutorial.

Tutorials / Re: Basic Phishing Tutorial
« on: May 11, 2013, 03:12:51 PM »
ok, since this topic is here, i always have a question about it.

I made a page like this before ( 4 testing ) and was wondering how to change the PHP code to make it take the users input and pass it to the real website to log in and redirect the user after that to the website  "after logging in" ?

I think we will need to make him has a cookies with that credential, but how ?

That will make him a lot less suspicious after the redirection .

thanks, it was my first strategic game i ever played.
And my last Strategic game i played was "World in Conflict" it was impressive any one like this type of games will love it too.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:22:12 PM »
just replace
Code: [Select]
bool atLeastOnePrinted = FALSE;with
Code: [Select]
int atLeastOnePrinted = 0;

Code: [Select]
atLeastOnePrinted = True;with

Code: [Select]
atLeastOnePrinted = 1;
Code: [Select]
    cout << "No family members reside in Texas." << endl;
Code: [Select]
if(atLeastOnePrinted == 1)

    cout << "No family members reside in Texas." << endl;
In ande's Code

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:01:29 PM »
in pesudo code .. yes, but don't use else statement or you will end with the result i posted before.

In C++ , inside The for statement you can declare the variable and assign it to a value inside the for command.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:51:24 PM »
yes, but must make it inside the for loop,
and there is no need for the found variable
instead of
Code: [Select]
set found = 1make it
Code: [Select]
write Names[k]

Also, you don't need to increment the K,
Code: [Select]
K = K + 1
The K++ do that for you ( in C++ of course )

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:35:58 PM »
BTW, your code can work if you tweak it a bit.
Code: [Select]
Declare Index As Integer
Declare Found As Integer
Set Index = 0
Set Found = 0

While (Index < Count)
  If State[Index] == "Texas" Then
    Set Found = 1
    write Names[Index]
End While
If Found == 0 Then
  Write "No Family members reside in Texas."

The Found variable will be used to tell the last if statement to display no result msg if there was no match.

If you use if/else statement inside the while loop, the result will be like
No Family members reside in Texas.
No Family members reside in Texas.
No Family members reside in Texas.
it will display the message for every try.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:20:19 PM »
but what if there was more than one person with state is set to "Texas" ?

I think your code will just display the last one found.
You can use the While statement instead of the for, but i think it won't be as you posted.

From what i have read; for statement is used when you know exactly when the loop ends, in this case when it exceeds the Counts number.
But The while loop used when you don't know when the loop ends.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 08:39:42 PM »
You started the Count from "0"
 & let's say it's in C++

Code: [Select]
for ( int x = 0; x <= Count; x++ ) {
    if ( State[x] == "Texas" )
        cout << Names[x] << "\n";
so we use array to get the value
I'm still learning C++ so don't take this as absolute working code but i think the idea is ok :)

Note if you get error, the "<=" might needs to be "<"

Also, add and else statement in case there was no match like displaying No Result was Found or something like that.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Programing Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 08:15:02 PM »
you already keeping track of the count, use a for loop to compare the "state[count]" variable with the word "Texas" if it finds it then display the name variable "Names[Count]"

what language you will code in ?

General discussion / Re: Reset logins?
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:09:38 PM »
Change your password.

 ??? Didn't take that in consideration  :-[ ,
However i learned VBscript from existing examples.

BTW, radner, This is an interactive course for learning python
Also, try , it has many other programming language including Python

If you are using windows, it will be a lot easier using batch and vbscript
This will create a text file in your desktop containing all the links to your desired webpages

Just Make sure to leave at least a single empty line at the end of the batch file after the last line in the code, or it will not work.

Code: [Select]
@Echo OFF
Color 0E

Rem Setting Variables Here
SET "IMGname=nsc-logo.jpg"                                // Word To Search For in the HTML Source
SET "RangeStart=99800"                                    // Start Range Number
SET "RangeEnd=99999"                                      // End Range Number
SET "LogFile=%userprofile%\Desktop\beaconlive.log"        // Log file That hold the Valid URLs
SET "OutFile=%temp%\HTMLsource.txt"                       // Temp File Where we save the source

Rem Delete Files from Prevoius Run
IF Exist "%Temp%\Download.vbs" DEL /F /Q "%Temp%\Download.vbs" >NUL
IF Exist "%OutFile%" DEL /F /Q "%OutFile%" >NUL
IF Exist "%LogFile%" DEL /F /Q "%LogFile%" >NUL

Echo.&Echo.&Echo  Downloading ...
Rem Getting The Number sequance and Passing the URL to The Download Script
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
For /L %%A In ( %RangeStart% 1 %RangeEnd% ) Do (
    Rem Download URL
    CALL :Download ""
        Rem Search In the Source for the IMGname, if found log it in the log file
    For /F "delims=" %%z In (' Findstr "%IMGname%" "%OutFile%" ') Do (
        IF NOT "%%z" == "" Echo Found At:>>"%LogFile%"
    Rem Delete OutFile
    Del /F /Q "%OutFile%" >NUL

Rem All Done, End Message
Color 0A
Echo                                   All Done!
Echo                              Check Your Log File
Pause >Nul
Exit /B

:Download <URL>
IF NOT EXIST "%Temp%\Download.vbs" (
   (For /F "tokens=1*" %%A In ('FINDstr "^:Download: " ^< "%~F0"') DO Echo.%%B)>"%Temp%\Download.vbs"
CScript //nologo "%Temp%\Download.vbs" "%~1" "%OutFile%"
:Download: Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
:Download: url = objArgs(0)
:Download: pix = objArgs(1)
:Download: With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
:Download:  .open "GET", url, False
:Download:  .send
:Download:  a = .ResponseBody
:Download:  End With
:Download:  With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
:Download:  .Type = 1 'adTypeBinary
:Download:  .Mode = 3 'adModeReadWrite
:Download:  .Open
:Download:  .Write a
:Download:  .SaveToFile pix, 2 'adSaveCreateOverwrite
:Download:  .Close
:Download:  End With

REM ===================================================
REM  IMPORTANT : Must Leave Empty Line After This Line
REM ===================================================

Pages: [1] 2

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