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Messages - IchownUrMomNfsck

Pages: [1]
Android / Re: good roms for samsung galaxy s2
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:23:26 AM »
my fave for this phone is The Blue Kuban and its Kuban Kernel...the rom is similar to cyanogenmod, but extremely customizable...from the options menu u can add apps, tweaks, mods ect... even choos a diff kernel if you want...i put it on my friends s2 a few weeks ago and really consider it a very well made rom

Android / Re: Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:16:17 AM »
thats really strange i havnt had this happen yet...keyword...maybe it wasnt signed correctly or something became corrupted in apktool...try downloading the drag and drop sign tool from xda-developers forum(its bundled with a few other things downloaded a while back dont remember exact name but should be easy to search for) then take to recompiled app and drop it onto "drop_and_sign.bat" and it will sign for you and spit out the new one in the same directory...if this doesnt help then possibly you altered something and didnt realize it...

Pages: [1]

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