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Messages - fredca

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 20, 2013, 06:28:32 PM »
I used FrozenWay some time ago to bypass the dorms firewall, though back then i had next to 0 knowledge in networks and how they work. Anyway it was the only service that worked for me, buuuut the only purpose i had to bypass the firewall was to play an mmo.
So it did allow me to log into the servers, but i got an awesome perma ban from the game for logging in from an open proxy lol :)

After all, this worked. Thank you.
I wanna keep this here, because I've been around a shitload of message boards and everybody else's solutions never worked for me; so if anybody has been having my problem, and tried every single VPN and Tunneling client out there, just give FrozenWay a try, and see if it works, because after 2 weeks of frustration, this was the only thing that fully bypassed my dormitory's firewall.

General discussion / Re: Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:48:51 PM »
You'll have to download the HTTP-Tunnel client from their site, install it and open it. Then, go to control panel > Internet Options > Connections Tab > Click on the LAN Settings button > Under "proxy server" section, enable the "Use a proxy server" option and fill in the "Address" with and the port with 1080 (the client's default port). Then click Advanced and tick the box "Use the same proxy for all protocols". This will enable all your apps to go trough their servers.

After that, all your communications shall go through the tunnel. Don't forget to disable the "Use a proxy server" option once you're done, otherwise you'll loose internet connection once you turn the client off.

I did all of that and this is what happenend (see attachement).

Eventually the game just gave me a connection error. Is the Network administrator manually killing my connections?

General discussion / Re: Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:53:21 PM »
Yes it does (see attachment).

And I just installed the program, and chose "Automatic Configuration". Excuse my novice-ness.

General discussion / Re: Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:01:04 PM »
WPS doesn't need to be locked in order to be cracked. A locked WPS is actually a bad sign (cracking-wise) (...)


My bad, that's what I meant. That most wireless in this area have the WPS locked!

If you are willing to pay for a service, you can try http-tunneling. You can try their free service to check if it works, but it won't be fast enough to play LoL or use P2P.

I'm gonna try it for free, and if by any miracle, it works, I guess I'm gonna have to spend some extra euros.

Just tried the free service, and it does nothing for me. Ports still blocked. LoL still blocked.

General discussion / Re: Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 19, 2013, 01:18:08 PM »
Thank you so much for the quick reply!

Quote from: My Introduction
Anyway, sorry for not introducing but, I'll just do it now: My name is Fred, I'm 21-yo and I live in Portugal. I've been around computers all my life, and I've always been interested in learning stuff I could not comprehend. From formatting when I was 12 or 13, to being employed as a self-thought Photoshop freelance designer from 16 to 17. I've always played loads of multiplayer game so on the way I tried to learn how  to tweak Windows to get me a faster Internet, normally by editing registry. Lately (20-ish) I've been pretty interested in UNIX systems, mostly on the hacking (not for "harassment" hacking, like facebook log-ins, just for cracking a wireless password, now and then) and how to get better security; but I'm taking some time to understand stuff, because, as I said, I was pretty much a command-illiterate 1 week ago, so I'm just trying my best!
I'm waiting for an OS that is compatible with Windows files and applications, but is based on the UNIX architecture, so I can make the full switch, instead of jumping from Windows to Ubuntu every time I want to do something technical, and jump back onto Windows every time I want to play a game (I hate WINE).

Getting back to the topic; what If I don't have that option, lets just say I don't have an old PC back in Portugal, not mention the huge latency I would have if I used a proxy from there (since my connection is 2Mbps). Or my parents just use their PC to use the internet (badly) or Office applications.

I don't have the capacity to get a 24/7 server back in my home right now! If I got back to Portugal, I'd probably be able to find some solution on that matter, but since I'm not, that option is not an option.

General discussion / [SOLVED] Bypassing the dormitory's firewall
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:04:40 AM »

I have a question that has been bothering me for the past couple of weeks (I've been trying to solve this "problem" since then).

I'm currently on-board the Erasmus program, in Poland, and I live in the University's dormitory. My "problem" is that, the Internet we pay for (we have a monthly fee) blocks pretty much any P2P applications, i.e., League of Legends and torrents.

I've tried every IP-Tunneling, Proxy-using, VPN-creator client there is, but, I guess they have also blocked those ports, because none of the connections are established.

Being completely frustrated, today, I finally took some courage and spent some money on the last possible "solution" for this problem, a Wireless Adapter. I got home, connected the Ethernet cable to the newly bought TP-Link TL-WR740N, connected my computer to the Adapter through another cable, and voilá, I now was the proud owner of an internet inside an internet. Internetception. The problem is: well, basically the same. The connection is perfect, the Adapter is working fabulously, but the ports to every P2P-using application are blocked (except Skype). League of Legends still does not work.

Is there anything I can still do? Possibly messing around with my new Adapter?

Thank you!

PS: I take full responsibility over my acts on this matter; I'll put up with the Polish judicial system, and worse, my dormitory's manager, to get a glimpse of the LoL loading screen.
I've tried talking to the IT-staff to no result. I've even learned how to crack Wi-Fi passwords with Reaver, Air-Crack and coWPAtty, but either the WPS was not locked or the signal was to weak for me to get a handshake, and this is coming from a guy who was a complete command-illiterate 1 week ago.

I wanna keep this here because I've been around a shitload of message boards and everybody else's solutions never worked for me; so if anybody has been having my problem, and tried every single VPN and Tunneling client out there just give FrozenWay a try, and see if it works, because after 2 weeks of frustration, this was the only thing that fully bypassed my dormitory's firewall.

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