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Messages - Killerrking

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Hacking and Security / Re: Getting Past Surveys on website's
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:46:59 AM »
Like stated, ditch this survey shit. The stuff you are supposed to get is crap, if you get it at all. Really, it is all just a money making scheme with no reward at the end.

If you want a challenge and improve and learn, crack the zip file I have uploaded.

yey password!!!..... Funny because I got one of these a few minutes before you sent one XD. Um... It's not those numbers in the hyperlink is it? XD

Hacking and Security / Re: Getting Past Surveys on website's
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:14:19 AM »
Don't waste your time. It is all crap. I guess people fall for this kinda shit though eh...

I guess it's my way of learning scripts with Torch Tech lol. Nothing like practicing in the field XD

I've come across one of "ASK FM Trackers" scripts he titled "Lock." I need access to their servers? hmm... I've changed some of the strings and functions like "false" to "True" or "Absolute." I tried editing the links to the survey to go to some place else but obviously that didn't work. I think.

Here's the script. I thought I might be able to crack it somehow. I've been looking up youtube videos and it's been only a little fruitful.

Hacking and Security / Re: Getting Past Surveys on website's
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:21:51 AM »
Hi Fur!

Well I'll be more specific:

Me and my friend tom have been trying to get these files by running a bot we created. Basically, it's just a fake information generator(fake name, fake address,fake social,ect.) and it pulls random bits of information from online that matches a correct string. Now I'm the newbie here so don't quote me.

I'm well aware that there's a good chance most sites are dummy's that steal your information. But we still wanted to try and see if we could "reach the other side of the rainbow." lol

Most survey's we come across don't complete after they say you've installed this or, completed this. I thought it might be possible to inject a bit of code to "complete" it. Or Fool the survey. I've learned some survey's go on a endless loop. You'll never reach the end.

Hmm i don't exactly know how to put that string together but I'll browse thru the tutorials.

A PHP script could check for survey completion and output the file's content if so. The JS side could hit that page every couple of minutes and save the result of the request if its length != 0. That's just one way to do it. Provided it is implemented correctly, it wouldn't be trivial to work around. Maybe one could use "(unixTime() / 60 / 60 / 24) + userAgent + hostName + fileId" as a unique id to check for survey completion.


Hacking and Security / Getting Past Surveys on website's
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:26:56 AM »
Hi! I'm killerrKing and I'm a newbie hacker or "Script Kiddie" XD

I'm trying to learn basic code so I can get into the advanced stuff. I've been watching some of my friends as they make game torrents and post them on Kickasstorrents and I'm so pissed that I can't do that stuff >:(

My purpose here today, is to get the goodies on the other side of those survey's you see on websites. I know some of them are fake but I've been trying to come up with a "bypass" or hack for those surveys. Since I'm not all that good with scripting, I'm sucking monkey balls XD

What I've currently been doing is using the fake name generator and posting fake info on the survey's but no matter what once they ask for a Credit Card or something, the whole gig's up lol.

Maybe someone could share some helpful hints or even come up with a bypass of their own. Heck if it works, you know how much free stuff is out there??!!



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