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Messages - bhubert1978

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: who's gonna help with https, mysql and php
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:15:48 PM »
hi ande,

thanks again for your response. Unfortunately the forum was pretty slow up to now...that's the reason why I didn't write back earlier.

Anyway, basically you are right with your last post. But I guess somehow there is a misunderstanding on my side... since this forum is called "Hacking & Security" I thought somebody could help me "hacking" this mysql database?! :-)

Sorry in this case. I know how to update and insert data into a mysql database, I don't know how to hack it *ggg*

thanks, best regards bhubert

Hacking and Security / Re: who's gonna help with https, mysql and php
« on: April 04, 2011, 05:21:04 PM »
hi ande,

thanks for your quick response. Actually I guess there is a little misunderstanding. I know how to write into mysql db with PHP, also how to read date from the db.

There is a database which is not owned by me which should be hacked so that I can put another dataset into it. The only thing I have is a username and password for the database which is a regular user without any rights. And now there should be a way to put another datarow into the database for my dataset.

THat is why I am posting in a hacking forum :-) because I have no clue how to accomplish that. :-(

May somebody help me with this problem, like I said I am also willing to pay money to accomplish this problem!

Thank you very much, BR bhubert

Hacking and Security / Re: who's gonna help with https, mysql and php
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:14:30 PM »
hi ande,

ok, I will try to rephrase it:

is there anyone out there, who can help me to write a single row into a mysql database which is secured by https protocol?

I am willing to learn or for the faster way do nearly anything to get help on this problem?!

I hope this sounds better to you?

Thanks in advance, best regards, bhubert

Hacking and Security / who's gonna help with https, mysql and php
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:38:04 AM »
hello everybody,

let me just tell some little stuff about myself. I am a real newbie to this "genre" of computing and actually it is just because of a little thing I would like to accomplish. I have some knowledge of HTML, PHP and mySQL but I never tried to hack anything.

Anyway - my problem is: there is a mySQL database, and a web application (php, over https) is programmed over it. It is a basically a user database where I am also a user, and a dataset itself.

There are a lot of tables which show other user information from various other tables.

My goal is now: I would like to create exactly one dataset for my user with some data which is currently not available on my user.

Now I have tried so much I have read tutorials but a lot of stuff isn't working since there is https. I have searched a real long time for some solution but I actually gave up.

I also thought about someone paying some money to do it but even the search for someone like this is really hard...:-(

Maybe someone of you guys may help me???

Thank you very much in advance, best regards, bhubert

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