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Messages - krazeesik

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: iPhone 4 Unlock
« on: April 17, 2013, 07:37:53 PM »
Not today it isn't. I tried this a while back. I've dug through every possible scenario I have found. I've just not downloaded redsn0w to try and do something. It recognizes it in recovery mode and whatnot. But it can find 0 data on it. I'm thinking whatever base files were nuked before, and I need to get them back on there so it can update and recognize them. Any ideas?

Mobile Hacking / iPhone 4 Unlock
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:38:43 PM »
I will go ahead and post this as I am searching for more solutions and maybe someone can provide a little bit of insight for me.

I have an iPhone 4 that I purchased when I was stationed in Germany a couple of years ago. When I came stateside it worked fine and then at some point the OS crashed on me. I had to do a full reinstall and at that point I was forced to use the unlock codes again (which I no longer have possession of). It has been laying here collection dust for a couple of years now and I just want to get this thing going again because it was by far my favorite phone. If you guys have anything to guide me along please let me know. Also, the default language is German the last time I booted it up. I've just put it in DFU mode and trying to do a full restore. I still need to unlock it for the US however.

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