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Messages - Darqsunscreen

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Science / Re: Light Speed
« on: March 18, 2014, 03:33:41 AM »
The thing is. It's never gonna be an issue.

If you classify intelligent alien communities.. It might be something like this.

Class 0: Able to dodge mass extinction by blocking comets or asteroids.. Some bases on planets. Start Terra forming.

Class 1: Able to manipulate the weather and volcanic activity on your home planet. Living on other Planets.

Class 2: Able to manipulate our Solar System and harness the power of the sun.  Makes wormholes possible. Eternal Life? (unless killed)

Class 3: Able to Control our Galaxy and able to move planets in or out of orbit.

Class 4: Able to Control the Universe and create other universes. Dodge extinction forever.

We are not even class zero and all our future progress is close to home.. Our own solar system. By the time we get to our own sun and harness it's power we already know how to compress space and we don't need to travel at light speed.

Creative Arts / Re: My songs
« on: April 30, 2013, 02:43:20 PM »
there's a MAJOR problem with the rhythm and how the effects flowed together.

Funny that you put it like that cause that remake was supposed to be a representation of the disfunctional relationship between me and my mother.

Or better said it got that meaning after I made this.

I can probably get it to sound "right" but it would be a different song with different meaning.

Plus I just don't want to get working on an old track agian. Otherwise I wouldn't try so hard making up excuses..

Creative Arts / Re: My songs
« on: April 29, 2013, 05:24:02 PM »
It's ok I guess. But everything I listened to was out of tune.

There was a couple that sounded decent but I don't know a lot of them are just out of tune. Everything is so minimal. I do however like Electone 15 even though there are out of tune spots with that too.

Do you mean out of tune as in the instrument is set to a wrong key or that I don't choose the right notes to go with the ones you just heard..

Cause I don't think there are any official rules like that in music.. at all. And don't you think if someone who is creating music is following rules others made.. he's not being so creative after all?

Besides.. the out of tune in alone in the dark is on purpose to create a sort of horror feel to it.. and I'm always going for the sad/creepy/beautiful thrombo wich can be kind of off key I guess. But that's the point..

And the ones that I made when I was 15 yes they are made with different instrument samples that where not especially recorded in the same key. But the new stuff I've made with VST instruments so there's no way they are off key.

Did you listened to anything I actually played though? Cause that's where most of the hard work is in. I hope you have really good speakers.

Creative Arts / Re: My songs
« on: April 29, 2013, 02:49:22 PM »

Not sure what you mean by studdering and coda..

Creative Arts / Re: My songs
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:44:35 PM »
Thank you thank you thank you :)   And yes in the light is me too.

Yes mastering.

I'm going to work on recording a piece I learned from Franz Liszt called Vallee d'obermann I only know 1/3 of it though but it's still pretty long like 8-10 minutes. I think it's gonna be a big improvement sound quality wise. It will also be much more complicated with tempo changes all over unlike all the other songs wich are the same speed all the time and very robotic. Cause I didn't play them but created the midi file note by note. This time I'm going to really play it. Sure I might adjust a note or 2 if I don't want to throw away a perfectly good try. But I'm of course trying to play it so that I have to adjust very little and otherwize I will play it over and over again until it's close enough.

I got decent monitor speakers and I should be able to master a piano piece just fine. Give me a  few days.

Ok I got a pretty amazing recording already. Kinda forgot about it.

For anyone who actually knows this piece sorry for raping it :P  I can't read notes! Worked really hard to learn this one.

And I totally forgot about this one. Again sorry for raping.

Working on 3rd thing I learned. Again Chopin.

Also found this.

and this which is pretty annoying... Because of the high pitched sound. But still.

Made this and previous post about a year ago.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Child Prodigy Dreams in code.
« on: April 28, 2013, 12:34:13 AM »
At the end of the day though IQ is supposed to describe ones ability to learn, that is to gather and comprehend information. now sure its possible you could decide you dont need/want certain kinds of information, or find it bothersome. but this does not signify a lack of ability, but a lack of caring.

The thing I experienced is that I felt my whole life like people thought I was stupid (except the teachers and people who knew me better) because the way I talk to someone or explain something, wich is totally 180 degrees from the way I talk on a forum for instance, I skip steps in the story cause I assume that the person that's listening also skips those steps. Things that seem like a logical consequence of what I'm explaining and therefor I assume this person, another human being with brains, can also make this leap. Turns out that I have been dumbing myself down for a long time just so I could fit in and actually communicate with people between the ages +/- 5 and 23.

I stopped dumbing myself down again for a long time now and it did not improve my social life. People often think I'm weird and can't make sense out of things I'm saying. Like we're not on the same frequency anymore and I refuse to fine tune.

Sorry if I come over as egotistical, bending the story towards myself but it's issues I've toyed with all my life.

Society seems to want you to dumb yourself down or be on your own.

Also what your born into (socially or economically) has nothing to do with evolution,  but rather luck of the draw. While IQ is also luck of the draw it does at least have to do with genetics.

Well. You could seriously argue about that considering in our world, race is, depending on where you get born, still a predefined foundation of your social and economic future for most people.

And sure random chance might dictate you get in a car accident, or forgetting that one wiggly little detail may cost you your life in an experiment gone wrong. but this does not mean their is some "divine" balance dictated by god, or as you seem to be suggesting, evolution.

I'm not suggesting that the balance comes from just evolution. I have no idea where it all comes from I'm just guessing with my limited knowledge.

I can say so many things but it would just be rambling.. Like that human children's brains are hard wired to believe in a spiritual world, that people who have no control over their surroundings will more likely develop a believe in God and therefor God might very well be our own creation.

That Einstein was working on a theory of everything and if we ever really get that formula nothing would be random chance. That Aliens might already be at the point of having that theory of everything and can make a simulation of the universe. That everything is made out of dots.. Quantized. That we might be in that simulation right now and that the 3 Alien scientist controlling the simulation are "God". If you would use the drake equation that becomes a much more probable theory than the real God.

Cause we need to assume that Aliens, just like us, want to master everything there is to master. And they might be millions if not billions of earth years more advanced than we are.. Think about it. They would want to know everything that ever happened. Cause we would. In a simulation you're not supposed to "interfere" just like God.

If this were so we, and i mean the human race, wouldnt even exist. we are totally unbalanced, have a totally unfair advantage over every other creature on the earth simply because of how powerful our brains are. that doesnt mean we couldnt get ate by a lion, but that given the proper motivation we could decide to eat ALL of the lions. Or hell accidentally kill them all off just through our unchecked growth.

Yes we got too smart too fast. However that happened. Where in the evolutionary tree do you see a creatures brain size TRIPLE!! within the course of 30.000 years. It's as if we are indeed some experiment that spiraled out of control.

PS: My apologies if I come over as condescending when I say things. I get that allot and it's not my intention. Like I'm lecturing while I'm just very interested in what we're talking about and want to say too many things. I also tend to drift off topic because I can always think of something that is connected in some way.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Child Prodigy Dreams in code.
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:56:08 PM »
@ Darkvision

When I read your comment one thought comes to mind.

Evolution and growth is a trading game. You have to trade one thing for another thing. Sure it does seem like some people hit the jackpot and got allot of everything.

Than it might balance out in some other way. For instance you might not have the fame of Justin Bieber... But, when you're older, you won't have to look back at a life that is so good that nothing you can ever do will be as good as that. Ok bad example but you get my point.

You might be a famous undying rockstar with the love of the whole world but you choke in your own vomit.

You might be a rocket scientist but blow yourself to pieces in an experiment.

You might be the world's most populair guy ever. But you might never know when someone really loves you because everyone does.

having high IQ might seem like a blessing but it can also feel like a curse.

You might get all the girls you can. And get bored of sex. (small chance)

The way nature chooses to balance itself out might not be clearly visible cause our point of view is just narrow and dictated mainly by our perspective.. Our bodys.

Every upside has it's downside or as johan cruyff said: Elk voordeel heb zijn nadeel.

Creative Arts / Re: My songs
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:12:26 PM »
Nice dude, I'm impressed.
I especially like alone in the dark, just sounds so good. Will continue listen to the other songs.
+1 to you.

Really. wow I'm so embarrassed when I listen to them. Like man be more creative please.. Allot of copy paste going on and I always tell people how I love aphex twin cause he never does that.

Thanks though.

Creative Arts / My songs
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:59:16 PM »

Hi all!

I wanted to just share some things I made. I have no musical history what soever so please keep that in mind.

I've made some songs with "scream tracker" or "impulse tracker" or "fast tracker" under dos when I was around 15. Than I stopped for 15 years making anything and just recently I bought a digital piano and started making "music" again with FL Studio, Ableton and some other tools. Like my Steinway 2 database wich trumps my digital piano output.

Anyway here are a few links.

These I've made when I was 15.

These I made when I was around 29 till now (33) after I got my piano. (cover) (cover)

Also I slow down Aphex Twin Tracks or sometimes speed them up and post the remix on youtube. Here's a few examples.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Child Prodigy Dreams in code.
« on: April 22, 2013, 01:34:37 PM »
Deal people with autism with respect, because they are special, even though they may be socially awkward.

What I hate is when people speak of autism as a disease. It is genetic and is not something you can cure.

However.. Normal people can become "autistic". With certain magnets they can deactivate (temporarily) parts of your brain so you do not use different brain parts for different tasks but most of your brain for one task like someone with autism.

It's not inconceivable that one day it might be the other way around. The question is do you want that. If you'd "cure" someone with autism he or she would fundamentally become a different person.

So what is normal. If the world was full of people with autism and there where just a low percentage of people who use their brains in a way that we call normal.. Than, what we call normal, would be out of the ordinary and be called a disease.. The fact is that there's more and more people born with autism every day and that's not just because the population is growing more and more. Allot of people think, and I don't count it out, that autism is nature's way to respond to our technological revolution.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Child Prodigy Dreams in code.
« on: April 21, 2013, 10:17:21 PM »
You've gotta love gifted people, they always seem to raise the bar and give you something to strive for, but then again he could just be some kid who was not diagnosed  as being autistic.

Well he does have the symptoms. Lack of social skills, very narrow interests and the ability to focus for hours,days,months.. on one thing.

I'm diagnosed with autism myself but I definatelly have more social skills (although still very bad) than he does. Than again. I don't excel that way in anything either.

I think the key difference is that he really seems to know what he wants. Confidence is a crucial part of being a genius. You have to believe that you are a genius first. Otherwise any potentially good idea you get in your head is diminished by your own self doubt.

I do love the idea that everything is balanced between people. It gives me some sense of justice or that things are evenly divided. I do see allot of proof that it's the way brains work. I like to believe that if a person seems totally retarded in every way. That just means you haven't discovered his or her abilities yet.

Think it comes down to this. You have neurons in your brain and neurons are never wasted. They never remain unused. Therefor if you have a part of your brain that doesn't function possibly done by brain damage at birth or the loss of sight or hearing. Those neurons dedicated for handling those functions.. will now be reused for something else. That's the best way I can explain where this balance comes from.

Found it on the Webs / Child Prodigy Dreams in code.
« on: April 21, 2013, 02:42:14 AM »

Just came across this. Thought I'd share it.

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