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Messages - Raavgo

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C - C++ / Re: [Help][C] Problem with including header files in gcc
« on: July 03, 2014, 01:07:09 PM »
Well this is odd #include <stdio.h> should work fine, are you sure that gcc is working correctly?
For testing purpose you could copy stdio.h in the directory of your source file and include it with #include "stdio.h".
If this is still not working you got a problem with your compiler, I guess.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Arduino where do I start?
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:10:22 PM »
To start with Arduino i would recommend their website, but after you got familiar with their API you should move on to plain C and Assembler inside the IDE, especially when you plan such a complex project.

Your Quadcopter has to be able to handle turbulence and he has to be able to notice when he is falling down so he can prevent damage. (e.g. you let him fall and he prevents the collision by turning on the rotors).

For your Quadcopter you going to need knowlegde of:
  • sensoric (handling of turbulences and collision prevention)
  • signalprocessing (digital or analog whatever you prefer)
  • communication of a arduino with the internet (don't use a shield this will get it heavier, so the motors have to turn faster to fly -> electricity is wasted and the battery will get low sooner )
This is not a easy project you chose, at my Institute it was a diploma project last year and they worked 1 year on it (I think they were 3 Students), but it is manageable  if you really but some time in it.

If you got any question regarding Arduino I might be able to help you, I currently fool around with an arduino for my diploma project ( although I do something completely different (RFID- Door Lock with authentication mechanism) )

I will try the rainbow tables. It might work. I think they do salt mysql5, because on hashcat was reading 0/1 recovered and 0/1 salts. Don't know tho. 1st time working with a mysql5 password. usually sha1 or some shit like that. Thank you for the suggestion. Will post the outcome.

As far as I researched this is a 160 bit SHA-1 Hash.
So your only chance IS a rainbow table ( and still I doubt that this is gonna work)

Many Hashes are pre calculated an written down in rainbow tables.
Have you tried using a rainbow table ?
And I don't even know that's gonna work because it could be that the hash is salted
(I am not sure if MySql5 salts passwords but it would be safer. Please correct me if I am mistaking)

I need help with cracking mysql5 passwords. Im good with getting into websites and getting info, but mysql5 encrypted passwords stump me. I posted a thread last night but i guess it got deleted.

More info would be helpful...
Do you want to bruteforce it? (john the ripper is a nice tool or even could work)
Make sure you google before opening a thread.

Please write an intro (nobody wants a pls learn me how to hax person)

Hacking and Security / Re: Ok so here is the Deal
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:42:43 AM »
My mum and dad are always on Netflix when I am playing online games, I need a way to restrict bandwidth so that I continue with my 50ms ping and they get the shitty 300 I get when they are online.

I have tried QoS and most people dont find it to be very good as you still have a set width of connection strength. I am looking into firewall rules however I want to be sneaky about it. I dont want to ban it from the network as I could have done that by now and they would know that something was up.

My dad is fairly familiar with networking but if I can pass off the whole "we have bad internet" thing then I will be fine. Its almost like my router is downgrading my priority even though I was on it first. Surely they should get the bad ping and connection width.

As it seems they are now really pissing me off and they are using my PS3 to watch this shit. I'm working on a Netgear DGND3300v2 router.

Any help would be appreciated. This is the side of hacking I like. Screwing over your parents on a Sunday night XD

I don't think you understand what a ping is...
You know a ping is just paket which is sent to a server and gets sent back to you. (The time it takes is called latency)
I don't think the ping will change just because you have got less bandwidth (well of course it will get slower when your parents use the whole bandwidth, but I doubt they are using all of it while watching a movie).

Yeah it is Assassins Creed ripoff, but still I think it is worth a try.
I played all Assassins Creed Games and the fight vs the templar got boring after Assassins Creed Revelation.
Maybe a new story with the fighting system of Assassins Creed will make it interesting again.

Facebook like community system? <---- hisss!!! ( I don't like facebook )
I'm not sure what I should think about that, it would be great if there was one big knowledgeable community.
But how would you be able to keep skids out of this community? (weekly changing join challenges?)

General discussion / Re: how to hack Facebook....
« on: November 16, 2013, 01:39:44 PM »
He is the doctor ;)
Check out the IRC

Scripting Languages / Re: Age Old Question
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:55:52 PM »
same old question...  :P So which ebooks would you recommend for learning Python preferably books in the Ebooks section?

Can it be that you want to learn to much at once?
I mean you learn Java in school, C from a book and now you want to learn python as well.
I know its off topic but my advice is to focus on one coding language.

In case you didn't notice, I'm not exactly a fan of Java.

agreed I thought you talk about C  ;)

Not lucky at all.

What do you mean by that?

C - C++ / Re: Trying to Learn C
« on: November 06, 2013, 03:13:17 PM »
I know it is hard to learn a new coding language if you don't have tasks to use this particular coding language.
There is a Coding challenge here, where you get points for your source code:
You can choose the language you want to code in and you can code directly on the website.

Ok I'm going to be completely useless but this is C or C++ cause I certainly haven't seen volatile used however I'm have not nearly mastered C so I may have not seen this before. 

Ok yeah looked it up. I kind of see what your doing but can't help you.
ps. At your school you learn C! Lucky we learn java...

Yeah we use C with arduino because the Arduino commands are too slow.
I think the Interrupt handling is the mistake but I had no time to try it until now.

Well I had to learn C and Assembler because I'm in a higher technical college of electronics (sounds far cooler than it really is), and we need it because we work alot with microcontrollers.

I like C very much but the problem is that there are a lot of coding languages far easier for tasks like Game development, App development, interaction with the web, etc... (of course it is possible to code such tasks in C but they are far easier in C#).

Projects and Discussion / [Arduino] Need help with a square-wave generator
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:31:11 PM »
Hey guys,I have got some problems with my school project.This project is about a square-wave generator.
My currently my project is separated into 2 parts:
  • The input
  • The actual square-wave generator
Part 1 works smoothly:

Code: [Select]
volatile int frequenz = 4000;     //set frequencyint
i = 0; 
void setup(){ 
DDRD = DDRD | B00000100;   //set port 2   
noInterrupts();           //disable Interrupts 
TCCR1A = 0; 
TCCR1B = 0; 
TCNT1 = 0; 
OCR1A = frequenz; 

TCCR1B |=(1<<WGM12); //CTC mode p 133   
TCCR1B |=(1<<CS10);  //no prescale p 135 
TCCR1B |=(0<<CS11); 
TCCR1B |=(0<<CS12);   
TIMSK2 = ( 1<<OCIE1A ) ; // Enable interrupt when Timer reaches OCRA 

void loop(){}   
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect)  {         
PORTD ^=0x04;  //toggles the pin 2 


and the 2nd part runs smoothly too:
Code: [Select]

volatile long frequenz = 0;     
char Data[7];
int i = 0;       

void setup()

void loop()

void setFrequenz(){
  if( Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if(i < 6 && isDigit(ch) )
      Data[i] = ch;
      Data[i] = NULL;
      frequenz = atoilData);
      i = 0;

but when I now try to combine them I just doesn't work anymore.
instead of the number inputted I get 0jc all the time
I merged it together like this:
Code: [Select]

volatile long frequenz = 0;     
char Data[7];
volatile boolean pin = LOW;

int i = 0;       

void setup()
  DDRD = DDRD | B00000100;   //set port 3
  noInterrupts();           //disable Interrupts
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TCNT1 = 0;

  OCR1A = frequenz;
  TCCR1B |=(1<<WGM12); //CTC mode p 133
  TCCR1B |=(1<<CS10);  //no prescale p 135
  TCCR1B |=(0<<CS11);
  TCCR1B |=(0<<CS12);
  TIMSK2 = ( 1<<OCIE1A ) ; // Enable interrupt when Timer reaches OCRA

  //DDRD &= ~_BV(PD2); pin 2 = 1
  //DDRD |= _BV(PD2); pin 2 = 0

void loop()

      PORTD ^=0x04;

void setFrequenz(){
  if( Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if(i < 6 && isDigit(ch) )
      Data[i] = ch;
      Data[i] = NULL;
      frequenz = atol(Data);
      i = 0;

So where is my mistake is there someone who knows what to do?

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