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Messages - Pyrod

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: Need a little bit help with compiling.
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:01:49 PM »
Thanks for all the information guys..

well i think i want to buy a book. so i will take a look at it next week.
For now i just do some tutorials and experiment with that.
Untill now it works all fine and i even can find my own errors already, and know how to solve them.
 so its going to the good way :P

about the IDE i never heard from it. I dont know what it is. I downloaded CodeLite and i downloaded g++ and i just gonna look at the scripts. try to make them and try to understand the script.

So if IDE is recommended i will take a look at it.

thanks guys

C - C++ / Re: Need a little bit help with compiling.
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:18:38 PM »
Sorry diddn't think of the editing..

i learn it from

i downloaded the pdf..


C - C++ / Need a little bit help with compiling.
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:57:24 PM »
hey guys..
I just started to learn c++ and i am totaly new with it.
My problem is i cant compile my cpp file. i get this error in the terminal:
:~/code$ g++ test.cpp
test.cpp:6:22: fatal error: isostream: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

i even tried to g++ /home/username/code/test.cpp
also get an error.

I use g++ as compiler and i use CodeLite as editor.

Advise about editors and compilers are welcome, like i said i am new :)



#include <iostream> i had spelled this wrong :) so its solved
thanks !!!! and ps advise is welcome

Staff note: y u double post!?

Hacking and Security / Re: Target Hunting Tutorials...??
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:00:33 PM »

this is a prefect place to practice..
Its free aswell

all these servers are build to be hacked by the owner! so its legal!

Good luck.

Pages: [1]

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