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Messages - sandipanarnab

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [EvilTutorial] The Art of Anonymity
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:24:11 PM »
1. Whonix is technically supposed to work out of the box. I'm sure a handful of these tweaks you could apply to whonix but at least you know you don't have to mess with the IP tweaks or anything like that.
2. Try that. Keep in mind that you don't want to spoof you vendor class ID to something linux if you are using windows. For windows you are going to have to keep it as some kind of windows otherwise it will be quite obvious that you have spoofed it.

3. Not entirely sure what you mean by that last question. Want to clarify?

I wanted to know if I install a vpn client on host os will it give an extra layer of security to any virual os like whonix? Because I think all network connections through the host is untorrified, and it may leak DNS or IP. So do I need to configure the host as well for complete anonymity?

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [EvilTutorial] The Art of Anonymity
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:59:10 AM »
Well I have to say it is really unique, I have? t seen such brilliant tutorial in any of the other forum. Lucid u are truly a genius.

Saecondly, I have got three questions:

1) Do I have to configure whonix in the same way as u have discussed here?  Because AFAIK Whonix is an anonymity based OS and it already protects one against IP leak and DNS lea

2) What should I do to spoof Vendor ID Windows ? Specially in latest versions? Can u refer me sucha good tutorial regarding windows?

3) If I use one or two VPN in my host OS and use Whonix along with it will it give me extra security?

I thank u in advance.apk

Pages: [1]

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