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Messages - pllaybuoy

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I am very confused , I tried finding the answer but had no luck . I am talking about programming  , like how do you write a piece of code that is artficially intelligent ?
To my guess , that can be a well planned web of loops and if-else statements .
If you even have the slightest idea of it then kindly share that with me . I am not sure if this question suits in this board  - My apologies in advance . Hope this discussion will go well . You are welcome to answer how you think it 'might' work even if you don't 'know' how it 'works'.


Found it on the Webs / Re: Are Americans REALLY Stupid?
« on: April 27, 2013, 10:43:12 AM »

Soooo , as usual I am rolling with my php learning(not regularly though) and I am looking for some alternative of MAIL function in php since it is not working so I assume WAMP doesn't include/setup a SMTP on its own . Can anybody tell me some alternate of either the mail function or setting up a SMTP ? I am on win-7 and I have already tried hmailserver but it didn't work for me . How did you manage to use the mail function or other SMTP features with WAMP or XAMP ? (since it is the correct choice when on the learning stage) . Make sure the alternatives are freeware because I am not going to spend some bucks and let go of my billionaire's status :D

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:26:42 PM »
People with such prejudices are impossible to speak with. You got my answer and you do truly hate America (you are probably going to deny but I have read your posts and they do all have the same view on America). I'm out, I'm not wasting more time on discussing this with you!

Yes, I do! I am not going to deny this . I don't hate americans , but america ? Hell I do . For violation of human rights , for killing innocent people , for bossing around on everybody . Yup count me as a hater then . I hate america and I don't have to deny it . I hate every damn barbaric cult , I hate everybody that spills innocent human blood for the sake of his greed and taste . I don't hate any civilians or citizen of america because I am a human and they are humans too .

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:59:47 PM »
First I would like to state that I'm not American.

@pllaybuoy, just stop. NO government, not even the U.S. would do such things against their own people. And why didn't they shoot the airplanes down? First, when did they really discover that the airplanes were hijacked, probably too late to do something about it? Also, if you shoot down an airplaine over a big city like New York you will probably kill just as many people if not more.

Yes the U.S. government lies for you all the time, but no one except for brain damaged terroists would do such things.

(I'm sorry for my use of words, but I just had to make this case clear).

LMAO ! those heartless bastards don't care about 'anybody' , let alone americans.

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 09:10:55 PM »
These all are well planned staged dramas . Bankers and businessmen rule america and they can go to 'any' extent for the sake of their pleasure . 9/11 was staged too.If it was not staged than the U.S airforce would've destroyed the aeroplanes since 300 casualties are better than 3500 casualties . Kill 3000 americans and create hate in their hearts for billions of muslims around the globe (note  that arab countries are rich in mineral resources coal,crude oil , gold etc) then just bomb the hell out of other countries and invade them .In all of this there are signs for a keen observer !
Then the staged the school shooting because they were paranoid about americans fighting for their rights(note that guns were easily available to americans) , with that in hands it was easy to rob the americans off their rights to possess guns . Congrats , now the government can fuck you up in the ass and you can't do a ratshit about it .

Found it on the Webs / Re: Are Americans REALLY Stupid?
« on: April 19, 2013, 08:26:17 PM »

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:24:13 PM »
They've turned Boston into a War Zone and there are 20 humvees and buses there to deal with these two guys.  And they shot and killed an MIT police officer and stole his cruiser.... I really don't think this was staged.....

A lot of stuff is staged dude , I am not surprised by this one . Remember those CIA agents who are known to have been there at this scene ?

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:43:18 AM »
Guys see this, i have confirmed that the time is before today, when this information is right shit is fucked

This is not new . They'll always do it ....always !

General discussion / Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon.
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:33:07 AM »
1)Kill a bunch of whites
2)blame somebody you have grudge on
3)bomb their ass
4)invade them
5)loot their resources

I feel equally sad for those participants and other victims , but well this is a nasty world we live in

Found it on the Webs / Re: Are Americans REALLY Stupid?
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:47:57 PM »
I'm actually shocked that people can be this fucking stupid. It applies to all countries not just the US.
And yes they are showing the worst they could find but that doesn't change the fact that there are people that are this stupid.

+1 for the lol

Stupid on the bases of IQ ? well there is this fact than there are more people in india with higher IQ than the whole population of US , the average IQ in india is higher that than in US(ps i am not indian so I am not basing this on favor) . Besides great people have lived in U.S and they have contributed to the world too -so yaah.
The only way how I find them stupid is that they believe whatever the fuck their media tells them . Sandy hooks , boston BS blah blah and then there goes the president shedding his crocodile tears . C'mon niggah , you've been killing thousands of innocent 7 year olds in afghanistan,iran,yemen and pakistan on the name of peace motherfucking mission to fulfill your greed of oil then why care for a few being killed somewhere else ? Just let it be and stand as the insincere douche you actually are. Our soldiers are heroes , oh sure bust your ass in the desert for an year without hearing a single gun fire and you are considered a hero ...surrreee..and maybe ..maybe I am still the same old carrot evolving into a cactus growing in a desert

Science / Re: Designing airplanes and weapons.
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:19:14 PM »
Designs are made on CAD software , I believe . Apart from that you should take mechanical engineering in bachelors if you are interested in this stuff , it is the only way you get the most of machines and yes those include jets , cars and ammunition . If you are talented enough you might even get a job in some good company :)

C - C++ / Re: Having problems understanding the exceptions mechanism .
« on: April 11, 2013, 08:24:38 PM »
Got it , thanks dude .This helped a lot . +1

C - C++ / Re: Having problems understanding the exceptions mechanism .
« on: April 11, 2013, 08:16:20 PM »
Code: (c++) [Select]
#include <iostream>

int main()
    //Integer monkey is the user input,
    // I expect the user to input a int between 1-5
    signed int monkey = 6;

      if(monkey < 1 || monkey > 5)
         throw new 3;

      std::cout << "Thanks for your input it is correct";
    catch(int except)
          case 1:
             std::cout << "You are a moron";
          case 2:
             std::cout << "I don't like you";
          case 3:
             std::cout << "Please enter a number between 1-5";
    return 0;

This should do mate :)

Got it dude,  thanks a lot . And is the new 3 keyword part of a throw statement ?

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