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Messages - LsD

Pages: [1] 2 3
Beginner's Corner / Re: Creating a functioning encyption key hierarchy
« on: September 17, 2015, 07:27:10 PM »
Thanks for your reply, you did in fact answer an additional question I had. I've done more reading about P/MIME and how it differs from GPG--and have realized that my original question wasn't very clear or sensible. Thanks for your help regardless.

Beginner's Corner / Creating a functioning encyption key hierarchy
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:01:38 PM »
Hello EZ!
I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on the subject of S/MIME keys, certification authorities and creating hierarchies--rather than the horizontal authentication et cetera that PGP permits? I'm trying to help a group of friends secure their communications ( mobile, email, browser etc) and I was wondering if there were some way to establish myself as the certification authority (i.e,. the parent key at the top of the hierarchy)
If I'm mistaken about this in some way or if I'm not describing it properly, I apologize.

Thanks in advance!


General discussion / VPNs useless?
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:32:06 PM »
I've been reading about how it was recently discovered that your true IP/location can be discerned by a server using the "STUN" request in browsers and apps which can open up browser windows. If this is true than VPNs are essentially useless now, right? Could anyone educate me on this please?


Banning religion does nothing but galvanize the most crazy elements, it's a far better strategy to follow the example of the Soviet Union and China-- infiltrate the religious organizations, advance leaders who will not challenge the State and who agree to identify, and report to the secret police, those members in their congregations who are radical and make them disappear.

Android / Re: [TUT] Root your Android with towelroot by geohot
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:05:44 PM »
I was able to resolve the issue last night with some help from Factionwars, but thanks for posting nonetheless. I found that Kingo root is the only thing that worked-- and wasn't a trojan.

Android / Re: [TUT] Root your Android with towelroot by geohot
« on: January 06, 2015, 09:03:14 PM »
Hey guys I'm having an issue rooting my Galaxy Discover--don't ask lol. Towelroot worked back when I had an S3 but it says that it isn't supported for SGH-S730M and my AV keeps flagging all of the files in the guides I found on google, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :)

Android / Hacking Android via false AP
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:26:05 AM »
I've recently developed an interest in mobile hacking and it's been difficult to find any useful resources on compromising an android phone and installing malware( preferably to monitor SMS, etc etc) using a 'false' wifi access point? Does anyone here have anything they can offer that could help? I've noticed the mobile hacking section has been thoroughly gutted so if you could offer any assistance it'd be appreciated.

Hell, the 'mobile revolution' is the whole reason I'm getting back into hacking/security. Great read by the way.

Hacking and Security / Re: Want to learn more about SCADA
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:15:11 AM »
Does anyone have experience with SCADA hacking and war-driving? I'd imagine driving around the right parts of town could yield some nice surprises :)

News and Announcements / Re: Tapatalk mobile app
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:09:25 AM »
yeah i used to run tapatalk on my forum oh so long ago. It works great. I haven't used it in years but they must be doing something right considering they no longer have a "pro" version of their app that costs money. Good going, I might actually have a reason to install tapatalk lol.

You've got a forum deepcopy? It's the first I'm hearing about this. Also, I'll give this app a look later today.

Android / Re: [APP REVIEW] Send Anywhere
« on: June 30, 2014, 10:19:28 PM »
Great contribution! I've actually been needing something just like this. Thanks man

Android / Re: Android Ice Cream Sandwich
« on: June 27, 2014, 07:42:27 PM »
Thanks Kulver I'm gong to try that AndroVM now. :)

Android / Android Ice Cream Sandwich
« on: June 27, 2014, 01:55:21 PM »
Hey all,

I've been installing my VPN on my systems and VMs and I've hit a snag with the virtual machine version of Android 4.0+ 'ice cream sandwich'. I've tried both NAT and bridged on VM workstation to no avail so I decided to download & install virtualbox(seeing as most VM related material deals with VB) and despite switching virtualization platforms I've not been able to access the internet on the android VM using both NAT and Bridged automatic. Has anyone experienced this frustration and figured it out?


EDIT: I'm a little drunk so I forgot to mention I'm trying to get the android VM to connect to the internet in the first place :P

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Help with Privoxy
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:06:09 AM »
Forgive my ignorance with Tor since it transitioned from the tor+vidalia+privoxy paradigm and released the browser bundle, but is it possible you just forgot to initialize the tor daemon or something?

Hacking and Security / Re: Shut down internet connection
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:19:17 AM »
In my view, being a guy who's seen EZ change A FUCK TON since the days of "Hacker's Heaven", I think you should just drop the "it's for my homework excuse". I'm going to be nice here and give you some very valuable advice alanarg-- rather than just telling you to fuck off to some g-d forsaken.

This forum is not a place where you come to beg for "hacking tools" or desperately figure out how to do a DOS attack that will likely get you busted. Take a quick look up at the Evilzone banner at the top of the page-- QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Before you ever consider DOSing something like your "cousin's" ;) router or website, you should learn about all the things Ande mentioned (networking, OS, invaluable protocols,etc) before EVER trying something like this. Hell, don't even try something unless you have a good working knowledge of HOW & WHY it works, as well as all the possible ways carrying out such an attack could backfire on you and lead the authorities straight to your door.

Evilzone has evolved considerably since I was last active years ago, and you'll get a lot farther here if you want to put in the effort to learn rather than simply running LOIC. If all you care about is bragging to your friends, crashing your neighbours' internet, or DOSing your school, then you are better of going onto the Tor network with the skids.

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