In my view, being a guy who's seen EZ change A FUCK TON since the days of "Hacker's Heaven", I think you should just drop the "it's for my homework excuse". I'm going to be nice here and give you some very valuable advice alanarg-- rather than just telling you to fuck off to some g-d forsaken.
This forum is not a place where you come to beg for "hacking tools" or desperately figure out how to do a DOS attack that will likely get you busted. Take a quick look up at the Evilzone banner at the top of the page-- QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Before you ever consider DOSing something like your "cousin's"
router or website, you should learn about all the things Ande mentioned (networking, OS, invaluable protocols,etc) before EVER trying something like this. Hell, don't even try something unless you have a good working knowledge of HOW & WHY it works, as well as all the possible ways carrying out such an attack could backfire on you and lead the authorities straight to your door.
Evilzone has evolved considerably since I was last active years ago, and you'll get a lot farther here if you want to put in the effort to learn rather than simply running LOIC. If all you care about is bragging to your friends, crashing your neighbours' internet, or DOSing your school, then you are better of going onto the Tor network with the skids.