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Messages - WhysoS3rious

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: FB Social Engineering
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:00:00 AM »
Security by obscurity, your mother though of that :P
Yes but actually people put the true info so after 2 years they can remember it and potato bitch my guess at least is after 2 weeks gone and pinky unicorn the next try.

Hacking and Security / FB Social Engineering
« on: September 25, 2015, 11:39:18 PM »
sorry to put this here but wanted to share the last 30 minutes of my time  :P.
A friend got to do a password recovery on his fb because of a security question. So beware people,other people knowing your username and some info about you can easily do a password recovery of your fb. Guess the security we put 5-6 years ago on our fb questions.
His security question was his mothers birthplace , anyone knowing him would know that.

Tried it on my account and it did a recovery too. No way to disable security question, no way to change it.

PS: Who want to help to track down the evildoer :P Got the public IP from FB and also an email adress.
Now waiting for him to answer the email so I can read the headers for some more info. Any other idea?

Projects and Discussion / UART to TCP/IP
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:08:55 PM »
Hi, maybe this belongs to the Hardware section but still it's  more like a project discussion.

Asking god or better google reveals some results but still not clear.

What I want is to read an rfid module(UART) and pass that information through an ethernet bus.
i found some UART to TCP/IP converters but still can't wrap my head around how to send the rfid code to a python script through ethernet. Should I use raw sockets to read the data and then use them.
Any help is appreciated!

General discussion / Re: Motivation Talk
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:33:30 AM »
I see!  Just dedicate on it 8)! It's true but there are always these distractions  :P :P !
Also the problem is, I have a really broad reading : meaning I read about all the things but only touch the surface.

I would like to do something more professional , going more in depth into a subject without drooping it when it becomes complicated.

I thinks it is all power of will, just focus there and keep going!

General discussion / Motivation Talk
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:09:48 AM »
Hello, general discussion so hey ...

I am divided people, i like hacking the idea of breaking things also digital forensic I think is awesome.
I also like other subjects like  a lot.(technology related hacking,coding, networking,linux) mostly also coding. I am a junior just getting my feet wet some schools projects but when I start I can go all day about the topic.
Also how to tell if coding is for you ??? Example: Reading some "hard" code is like alien code and also from junior to "pro" it seems a huge leap in all subjects. Learning new functions, new forensic techniques etc is hard!

Can someone point some advice or share some experience? How to do the leap on becoming a pro!


Hacking and Security / Re: Data Recovery
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:45:28 PM »
Thanks for the replay. I actually did due to the fact I once started to study forensic  ;D
My idea were a mix of software : imagining , various software tools etc
and also hardware : fixing common problems , header etc

Thanks anyway!

Hacking and Security / Data Recovery
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:01:18 AM »
I'm interested on doing some data recovery but can't find any decent video training or tutorials.
I'm not trying only software solutions but also hardware! Does someone have some info or can point somewhere where I can get this info!


PS: Also a google search, kickass, evilzone didn't show anything usefully!

Pages: [1]

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