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Messages - Sayse

Pages: [1]
I guess im done  :-\

I remember the first name of that account and I remember the message I sent to the person using this account it was a quick fu fly by night thing

I made a mistake with my first question,is there a way any way possible I can locate a trace off all fb pages made from my unigue location,  through  my dynamic ip im a noob so basically I have had no idea how to word this,
basically is there a way to find all things you have done on the web from maybe 3-4yrs ago through any means at all, if not whats the best way to find this fb page if any?
please don't think im trolling or an idiot I think its not possible but maybe it is! :o

Hacking and Security / Questions about approach?
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:04:42 AM »
I have a few questions
When it comes to working primarily with smart phones to gain access to a info what are the general things you can do when you will never come in to contact with a persons phone.

what type of sms  phishing can you do.
will mitm work for sms attacks to gain access
can you send a spoof page to a mobile phone from cpu
were does backtrack play a roll in sms phish attacks
what are some thing I can try to social engineer a login through cpu to mobile phone


General discussion / why did my threads get canned?
« on: April 01, 2013, 01:14:34 AM »
not bitching just wondering what I did wrong?

General discussion / do things like silkroad really exist?
« on: March 29, 2013, 07:38:43 AM »
if things like these do exist underground markets were you can buy anything how do people find these things,i would think the  authoritys would be able to catch buyers and sellers in a minute, do things like these exist if so how would one discover things like these without being part of a seedy underworld  ::)
just cuirous

Pages: [1]

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