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Messages - elasticglass

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Mobile Hacking / Re: Mobile phone SMS man in the middle attacks?
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:16:18 PM »
Ahhhh nice one! I have been wracking my brains about hearing about GSM vulnerability and your Defcon pointer was bang on. Thank you for that.
I know you can have SMS backlog and repeater issues but they only send the original message surely.
 Perhaps it's just hacker paranoia but it seemed like the message had been deliberately reconstructed. Maybe just me though  :(

Mobile Hacking / Mobile phone SMS man in the middle attacks?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:04:58 PM »
Hello, new here and thought I would ask a problem that's got me stumped. I am no hacking newbie and I am not sure if this can even be done but:-
I sent a SMS today that was two linked into one (it was a long confidential one). The person who received the text didn't receive this text however, they received the first 3 lines from a text I sent 3 weeks ago, the first few lines of a text I sent last week and the last third of the text I sent today, all amalgamated into one text.
It wasn't random either, every line made sense with full stops at the end of each sentence and the whole think seemed like a perfectly normal text.
The question is how the hell did  it happen? the sms's were sent sometime apart with other SMS messages sent in-between and I can't think of any reason why without intervention. Is there a form of SMS man in the middle attack I haven't heard about?
If anybody has any thoughts or ideas to bounce around then I would be gratefull.

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