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Messages - Elvyra

Pages: [1]
Creative Arts / Rediscovered poetry
« on: March 20, 2013, 09:56:17 PM »
I just found a notebook from a couple of years ago with some poetry I'd written.
It was mostly based on situations fictional characters had been placed in, but I thought some of it was okay so I decided to share!
The worst thing is not
Knowing where I am.
I'm cut adrift and alone
And I'm afraid. I don't
know who or what I am,
Where or why or how
It's silent, Like I expected
a hive of activity. I'm alone
in the crowd. I'm clinging
to memories That I don't
fully understand. Maybe I've
From where or what, I don't
I'm looking at it all
Through a spyglass.

Science / Re: Lucid dreaming revived
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:41:36 AM »
I can do it, but it seemed pointless as there was no challenge or goal to it. Sure, you can fly and make fireballs and stuff... but why?

Pages: [1]

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