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Messages - cuntpunch

Pages: [1]
Operating System / Re: Which Linux flavor should i go with?
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:15:01 PM »
I can see what you mean, but i doubt everyone can adapt to a non-pre-configured OS and know how to work around it like you. Kinda of like learning how to ride a motorcycle. Some people are capable of starting off with a liter bike and be fine, others will kill themselves if they don't start with a puny 250cc :)

I think I’d like an in between. Everyone says no matter your preference, there's always a Linux flavor for you. The only problem is finding it :3

Point taken. I don't know that I was very good at first. Just so stubborn that I wasn't going to stop. When I found Knoppix-STD I did learn more about security than I was with Slackware. Pre-configured is great to find out about tools. I just have had modest hardware most of the time. So it became a habit to strip things down any OS.

Operating System / Re: Which Linux flavor should i go with?
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:10:15 AM »
If you want a good performing pre-configured distro which isn't resource hungry Crunchbang is great. That being said, I don't agree with the whole "make it noob proof" philosophy going around these days. If you want to become a proficient Linux user get a distro that lets you do it the hard way. I started with Slackware 7.1. It was a good learning experience. I like starting from the ground up still to this day. I would much rather install what I need than get rid of what I don't. For me this is much efficient.

My favorites have all been mentioned. Arch, Debian, Gentoo, Slackware. The only distro I would really not recommend to a newcomer is Linux From Scratch. Good luck and have fun!

Pages: [1]

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