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Messages - Atreyu

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Creative Arts / Poetry
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:15:28 PM »
Hey guys, this is a poem a wrote a couple days ago, it kinda describes some personal experiences in life, and it holds deep meaning. I need to edit the punctuation a bit, but I hope you guys enjoy. Feel free to give suggestions or tell me what I need to work at. Criticism is welcome.

When she thought she reached the bottom
the pills call her name, she breaks them down
with a blade so familiar, she inhales her life.
She goes away to a place of her own desire
her family is left to cry out for her.

Mother come and save me from the hunger
that rips at  my stomach, I am falling under.
The escape always being put before
and when the escape is gone, we wage a war.
I would rather face the rage than see you escape.

I watch you write your name on the devil's sleeve
, not even taking a second to stop and breath
you inhale the poison that steals you away
you only look forward to your next escape.
I see the residue of powder beneath you nose
as the high takes impact of your body, and shows

I love you mother please don't go
Wake up from the high of snow
Don't let your eyes roll to the back of your head
You made yourself the bed
but please don't lay in it
it's never to late to quit.

His body aches when the bottles empty
he can't go on without the pills in his system
he would rather die than live without them
his body shakes and shivers, as he sweats
he clutches her hand in his panting breathes

Father please don't leave me I will replace
The pills that have so long replaced me

She takes his hand and promises love

I love you father no matter your mistakes
her voice gets low and her lips shake
Why did you have to turn to addiction?
I know our pain wasn't your intention
But you left me to fight alone father
chose pills over your own daughter.
 The tears are falling like April rain
She can no longer hold back the pain

Daddy, she pleads why did you leave me
Why couldn't you stay with me and mommy?
You have both chosen an addiction
Was this life in your fairytale fiction?
The pills are a thief stealing lives in the dark
they stole you both and left your mark
the pain is left with your children
a pain that will forever kill them.
She escapes through the lyrics in the music
she hides behind the lines of poetry
The scars remind her of the pain
the anger in her heart will always remain
she hears the whispers from the past
killing her softly behind the mask .
Dreams spark her fears mid night
she lashes out in fright
Hurtful words will always haunt
in the insecurities that taunt.

She pleads out
Mother,  father is this the life you built for me?
Can you not see me drowning in your sea?
Please save me while there is time
do not give into the pill's sublime.
I love you mother, I love you father.
I promise to never leave you alone in the dark.
From start to finish I'll leave my mark.

Creative Arts / Re: Poem
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:05:45 PM »
I really enjoyed your poem. I was very easy to relate to. Keep up the writing! I have been writing for about 8 years no and I found it is the best escape.

Mobile Hacking / Need Help
« on: November 25, 2013, 09:17:54 PM »
Hey guys, I knew I could come to this site to find the answer to my question. I was wondering if  there was a way to retrieve old text messages. I have a verizon phone and the messages were sent to my current number. Its just really important I get those messages.

General discussion / Re: So, ready for WW3?
« on: September 19, 2013, 06:51:34 AM »
Look up the video Soldier's Waking Up To Obama's. plan in SyRia!!!!

General discussion / Re: 9/11
« on: September 12, 2013, 10:25:46 AM »
I agree these people and events should be remembered. I just feel America is selfish I mean yeah all those people were killed and its terrible but you don't see anyone posting stuff on the Holocaust and other terms of dictatorship . That was oneday for the US there are events like that happening daily in other countries. It was a sad day for this country but it shouldn't be national unless other terrible events are national. I feel bad for all those people but its wrong to mourn deaths or hold times of murder higher than another.

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:07:31 AM »
Erase My Scars-Evan's Blue the drummer is Amazeballs

General discussion / Re: So, ready for WW3?
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:43:50 PM »

In my  honest opinion, this will probably not be a WW3 it will be an undeclared battle that will take place undercover, like many things under this country's power have been and conspired like the events in John F. Kennedy & Martin Luther King Jr.'s deaths. This event then when lead to a Domino Theory were one thing happens after another thus then leading up to a possible WW3.

Creative Arts / Re: Love Bound By No Measure (Free-lancing)
« on: August 19, 2013, 08:05:28 PM »
Thanks guys(:

Creative Arts / Re: Love Bound By No Measure (Free-lancing)
« on: August 11, 2013, 10:01:54 PM »
Lol he does good things for me all the time just didn't think everyone would want to hear that kind of mushy stuff.

Creative Arts / Re: Love Bound By No Measure (Free-lancing)
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:50:06 AM »
thanks (: alot
Lets all have group sex now :D
funny stuff(:

Creative Arts / Love Bound By No Measure (Free-lancing)
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:09:21 PM »
I have never been so in love with another human being in my life, but I am terrified. Sometimes what we want most can scare us the most, because the chance of losing it. Loving someone is amazing in comparison to having no one. I always said that I didn't believe in fairy-tales and love stories, yet I've found myself caught in the middle of one. It's ironic how when we just feel like the darkness has reached the point of consumption, the light finds a way to shine through. When I finally gave up on trying to find love, it found me. I like to believe that everything has a made a path leading me to where I am now, that somehow my past created what I have.  Every inch of my body is full of love and craves that one person and that one person only. It feels like a dream associating myself with true love, but this reality is far better than any dream, due to the fact that it is reality. I can touch that person and feel his skin next to mine. I can hear the heart beat he bares beneath his chest. I can taste the words bound beneath his lips. His heart beats in tune with mine unlike any figment of my imagination has the power or humanity to achieve.   My love goes to lengths beyond measure; it softly cherishes every bittersweet moment, for it is given those moments to truly shine its colors. Moments like that allow all to know what lies behind the heart of a young woman who is misunderstood, a young woman who stands in line with the judging fingers pointing there way into her life_the life that has been bent, but refuses to bend until broken_the life I claim as mine.   Fate has taken a chance on the life that I own and it has transformed it into the most beautiful form of expression_love. Love like that is bound by no measure, which pours over the brim of what is fulfillment. The life which I carry in the soul of my own once desolate body shines through every dark crevice that I withhold  and gives each emotional denouement a chance to withdrawal  and be built into something far beyond the face of humanity. Inside of my youthful exterior I hold something which no other has the power to understand in the perspective I call my thoughts. I hold the power of love and compassion that once fell like a tower a child builds of Lego blocks, built with no attention of fulfilling a future for such a structure. The power once often let down is now built by man and the tower no longer falls it is building onward by subconscious reasons_ones that I myself does not have full comprehension of.

Creative Arts / Re: No Place Like Home: The Latest Editon to my blog
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:40:48 PM »

Thanks for the reviews I am not at all offended by anything you guys had to say. I don't really see it as criticism I find it words of encouragement and advice to better myself in doing what I do.

@Darkvision; Indeed, you are absolutely corect; it can be difficult to have work reviewed, even when requested.  It can also be difficult to review the work; the last thing I would want to do is discourage the artist.

@Atreyu; Keep the works coming!  (BTW, awesome nick)

I am the least bit discouraged actually I am encouraged by it, in improving my work. and Thanks

Creative Arts / Re: No Place Like Home: The Latest Editon to my blog
« on: August 01, 2013, 10:54:54 PM »
Thanks so much. I am all in for some constructive criticism if anyone has any

Creative Arts / No Place Like Home: The Latest Editon to my blog
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:15:35 PM »

A home, is where addiction roams,
where the tragic truth is that,
home is where she will never belong!

Home is where happiness is so falsely placed
It is where she is attacked by the demons she must face.

The scars on her wrist are where judgement is bound
by the love of parents she never found.
Social awkward she stands alone
she fits in no where not even home.

The other kids laugh and lower
She is hit with words falling from her cover
Her face never lets it show
She refuses to cry to be seen below
so she runs to her bottle inside
where she just lets her emotions hide.

Bottling up all the pain
letting her face show no stain
The satin skin of makeup and fake smiles
She covers her angst with complete denial.

Her father forgets her name
Knows nothing of her shame.
He refuses to even care to give her better
No calls, no worry, not even a letter
No birthday cards, no love at all
She doesn't want him to see her fall
She's scared he won't see her beauty
when there is none to see
In her eyes she's worthless and nothing
but to someone out there she is something.

Her mother leaves her out of the view
She forgets of her responsibility to be a mother
she just lets the addiction be above her.
She can never replace the years she let go
She stole the youth of the one she sent below.

No comfort, no relief
where her problems roam
No place like home.
She wants to click her heels together
Go to a place it's all better
No place like home
But she can't run away
For him she must stay.
No place like home.

Creative Arts / Re: A lil something i put down
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:16:14 AM »
I really like this. A definite thumbs up.

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