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Messages - DamonX

Pages: [1] 2
Thanks, I had to do lil modification but I was able to do it by also using basename() and dirname().

Why not?

Probably because its too complicated for me  :)

General discussion / Re: EvilShop
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:19:21 PM »
Awesome ...  looking forward to it  :)

wow ... can't believe how many people replied within short period of time.  This is even better than stackoverflow.  :)  I will try your suggestions and will let u know how it goes.

Thanks all



I am working on creating a HTTP download client in Python and need little assistance.

I am getting url from command line argument (./clientprogram and the split that url into host, path, and filename.  I am only downloading and displaying images on screen tho.

Here is my lil code:

Code: [Select]
import string
import socket
import sys
import os
from subprocess import call
from urllib.parse import urlparse

# ******************************************
#  (1) Test input arguments to program - correct number provided?
#      Exit if the required URL is not provided.
#  (2) Split URL into "host", "path", and "filename" variables.
#      *
#      * path=/images/
#      * file=test.png

# host=????
# path=????
# filename=????
# port=????

print("Preparing to download object from http://" + host + path + filename)

How to do split url.  Its easy to do it if url is hardcodes, but not sure it we don't know what URL will be provided by user.



General discussion / Re: EvilShop
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:52:53 AM »
Any estimate on when you are planning on making it live?

General discussion / Re: Use friend's internet connection
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:22:47 AM »
parad0x; to sum this thread up.
It's not physically possible.

lies ... nothing is impossible   ;D

Yeah and as for scenario its fun to have something like this:

***************Web-svr on DMZ******************************

Isnt that ascii art :D

hmmm .  fascinating .. that doesn't make any sense tho  :)

Coming from Rapid7 cause I had to talk to them about my project, and when I saw this I directly made the following association:

Off-topic: In case you don't know, Rapid7 is the company that develops Metasploit and NeXpose, and I'm lucky enough to have the privilege of working in the same environment as them which means I go ask for advice and help like bunch of times  :D Super chill guys tbh... at least the ones who work here.

Bookmarked .. thanks.  I think I read this article before but I wanted lil more than that but I guess if that works, then why bother doing more work  :)

General discussion / Re: Use friend's internet connection
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:42:25 PM »
Why not? If he's in the same LAN as the OP.

In fact, of you're in the same LAN i.e. behind the same nat box, I'll say fire up ettercap and try getting some login creds for the ISP :P

If Paradox was in the same LAN as his friend, that means both have the same Internet connection  :).  They are definitely not in same LAN. 


I think your friend might be talking about compromising someone's wireless access point, and joining it to download files and stuff?  I can't make sense of the fact that you can compromise someone's computer and increase your bandwidth.  Wouldn't it still use your bandwidth when transferring traffic from his connection to yours?  Wouldn't your own bandwidth will create a bottleneck as it can't transfer large data that your friend connection could?  I might be thinking too much tho  :)

I think you misunderstood my question.  I just want to know if there is a way I can have 2 computers in my home in a way that each thinks other computer is on a different network.  I can probably use vlans but it won't be same i guess?

Its a layer 2 switch (2950 - 24 ports) which doesn't provide routing but can do vlan and stuff.  I will have to double check as I don't think I ever checked or upgraded ios of switch.  The Cisco router (2600 XML) and is running latest ios.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Hiding my identity
« on: April 13, 2013, 04:13:35 AM »
Do you get these coupons through mail?  If so, wouldn't it force you to use same address on all forms, making it easy for them to detect you. 

If you are getting coupons through email, create a fishing campaign and use a script so that when someone clicks on the phishing link, it submits the form using your email address.  You can have a huge database of emails that script can randomly grab from.  Just a thought  :)


I did a research on this topic and found out that pretty much all suggest using either VM or another box when setting up home test lab.  On the other hand, most people say pen testing should be performed from other network.  Now is there any way to emulate so it looks like your other PC is on other network while connected to the same home network?

I have couple PCs, 1 linksys router, 2 Cisco routers, 1 Cisco 24 port switch and VMs are available online.    I can also other other devices if needed like firewall etc.

Is there anyway I can setup a home lab and make it so it looks like 2 PCs are on different network?


Hacking and Security / Re: Activatin LAN on vmware.
« on: April 10, 2013, 06:09:59 PM »
If you are running VMware on a host operating system, then you will have access to LAN if your host is connected to LAN as well.

You might have to change network settings from "Bridged" to "NAT" but it shouldn't really matter.

We will be able to help you more effectively if you can explain everything clearly.  Are you running VMware on another OS?  Are you trying to have VMware on same or different LAN from the guest OS etc.


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