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Messages - BackSlashx00

Pages: [1]
Android / Root your android on your android easily.
« on: October 19, 2013, 11:03:05 PM »
I have been using framaroot to root my androids and some of my friends androids. So far I have had no issues rooting a phone so yes by experience this is indeed accurate. I have rooted Samsung galaxy S2, S3, Lg Lucid, and a few others which I cannot remember. I have not tried rooting the galaxy S4 with frama so I am not sure if it works.

I discovered this app googling around and downloaded different versions of framaroot in case the app could not find an exploit on the android I'd try a higher version or lower version. So one of the following versions should work. I would start with framaroot1.3 and if that does not work try 1.4.2 and so on. Someone known by alephzain created framaroot and I think I heard something about him working for google or what ever, but thanks to him he made rooting a lot easier. Once framaroot successfully roots your phone you have to restart and it will automatically have superuser installed. Before rooting make sure your phone is charged above 70% and you enabled usb debugging. I also placed a root check pro.apk to check if your phone is rooted. Hope this works for you!

Extract the .rar file with winrar and place the folder inside your sdcard on your android or internal storage.

C - C++ / Re: Free Evil C/C++ Source Codes!
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:33:16 PM »
A safer way for testing some of the snippets is using a VirtualBox with Windows installed. This way you can avoid reformatting your hard drive or avoiding curruption.

C - C++ / Free Evil C/C++ Source Codes!
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:41:35 AM »
For those who are into C++ as much as I am, I would like to share this bundle of source codes which contains some Trojans, key-loggers, .dll injections, etc.

By the way I did not create any of these codes so I am not trying to take credit for other peoples work, and I think some of these are old. I just found these sources on a web site which I cannot remember the URL to anymore. I found some good open source codes to work with, but did not try all of them yet.

One more thing, in case someone else has already shared these files on evilzone because I cannot remember where I got it from let me know lol.

General discussion / Re: do things like silkroad really exist?
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:06:13 AM »
Of course they exist, although that is a special URL you cannot enter in your ordinary Web Browser because it will not work. You would have to download a "Tor Browser" which allows anonymous browsing. They even have it for mobile phones. Silk Roads reputation is a large drug market, but also has other stuff such as "illegal books", "hacking devices", and a lot of other stuff. It is basically like eBay, but you can purchase things that you will not be able to purchase on eBay. They use to sell Guns too, but they took it off the market.

Also, the Tor Browser is just like using an ordinary web browser, but the only difference is you will come across a lot of different web sites which have there own purpose for doing illegal activities.

Android / Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:35:11 AM »
I am having an issue after recompiling the desired Android Package Kit (APK). I decompiled an application to see the source. That worked with no issues. However I did not change any pieces of the code, I just wanted to test if this worked, so I photo shopped the start splash image. Then when I recompiled the source using:
apktool b example1 example1.apk
The message appeared the way it is supposed to. It was checking to see if there were any changes, and it built the apk file fine. However after installing the application to my phone, I get an error that displays: Application not installed, and a button that says "Done". Not sure if I am doing anything wrong, or it is the application itself.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Android Spoof Caller ID .apk
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:49:01 AM »
After so much searching, this approach is difficult then I thought. This cannot all be done with just android programming.

Projects and Discussion / Android Spoof Caller ID .apk
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:53:43 PM »
I have this application which is called "Caller ID Faker" and I had it for a while, and still do. It does not seem to be in the android market anymore, but at the time, I downloaded thousands of android .apk's off a torrent. It still works, but you can use it up to three times a day and the calls last for only two minutes, but of course one would have to purchase more minutes for longer conversations. What the application does is allows one to make a phone call to anyone using any phone number you wish the receiver to see.

I just really want to create my own version of it, but I have not Google to deep into that which I am eventually. I tried looking for some open source codes just to get me started, but have not had any luck. So I created a basic application, but all it does is ask for input of the callers number and just hit the call button to call lol.

Does anyone have information with spoofing calls?

Projects and Discussion / Re: Using Android in Eclipse is annoying
« on: March 23, 2013, 05:54:12 AM »
Right... but I own an Alienware m14x 6GB of ram Intel Core i7, and yes I overclocked my CPU. I know it has nothing to do with my laptop. I also noticed I am not the only one experiencing these issues with the Eclipse (ORACLE) IDE. I even updated Eclipse and ever since the update, the lag has not shown as much as it did before. It still lags a bit when I add/remove a .java*, but I did not have to restart eclipse this time.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Using Android in Eclipse is annoying
« on: March 21, 2013, 05:01:58 AM »
I am also running it on Windows 7, but with 64-bit OS. &Thanks I just checked for some updates so now it is updating as of right now. Hopefully that solves some of my freezing issues.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Using Android in Eclipse is annoying
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:44:03 AM »
I think I have the Helius version on linux, but have not really used it.

Helios* lol

Staff note: There is a modify button, please don't double-post

Projects and Discussion / Using Android in Eclipse is annoying
« on: March 21, 2013, 03:58:27 AM »
I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing annoying issues with the Eclipse IDE, but every time I get deep into a project programming in Android with Eclipse it freezes. Sometimes when I have to delete a .class, a .xml, or refactor a name Eclipse starts to freeze all of a sudden. Even when I am adding a new .class or .xml this issues occurs a lot so then I have to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to end the 'Eclipse task' and re-start. Is this a common issue that has been going on or I installed a bad version of eclipse?

General discussion / Re: Gettin me some internet
« on: March 20, 2013, 03:00:06 AM »
LOL @ Wookie

Pages: [1]

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