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Messages - callahan

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Playstation 4
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:02:15 AM »
So... when will the jailbreak be available? ;D

Correct usage of SQL. You didn't even use my example. And you are wondering why "and 1=0" is not giving you any output. Do yourself a favor and learn SQL. It will be way more fun if you know what you are doing.

When did I wondered why AND 1=0 was not giving me output, man!? No, first, I know SQL and don't be rude.

That's not the problem

Yes, that was the problem. My code is running now as expected.


Well, I was making a silly mistake, one of those stupid ones. I was asking for and id that was an integer, and treating the GET value as string.

Yo showed nog a single correct usage and i think You should learn tot create before you break:)

What do you mean with the "correct usage"?

I will ask: please. Don't reply anyone.   And to the topic poster. Please read the tutorial twice or more and learn something about PHP and SQL.

I know that the used of "" is not correct to use, I wanted to try out what would happen.

Echo the generated query including your parameters and post it here.

With $query = 'SELECT nombre from users where id="'.$id.'"';:
    Query: SELECT nombre from users where id="2"      Output: mark
    Query: SELECT nombre from users where id="2 order by 5--"      Output: mark

    Query: SELECT nombre from users where id="2 order by 5--"      Output: mark
    Query: SELECT nombre from users where id="2"and "1"="0"        Output: <no output>
    Query: SELECT nombre from users where id="2" order by "6"="6"      Output: mark

With query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id'"; exactly the same as with double quotes, of course, replacing the " in the query for '.

I suggest to use single quoting for the SQL query string so you can easily spot the quotes so for example:
Code: (php) [Select]
$query = 'SELECT id FROM table WHERE id="' . $id . '";
Now you can see it is quoted with "". You can leave the quotes for easier injection. Right now you would want to inject:
Code: (sql) [Select]
' order by 1 or '1'='1 (or order by 1--)
So the end query would be if $id == 1:
Code: (sql) [Select]
SELECT id FROM table WHERE id='1' order by 1 or '1'='1'

I appreciate your help but it's not working, I can't get columns number with ORDER BY.

You need a ) after id='$param' so it would be $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id='$param'")or die(mysql_error());

You are right, I forgot it when I copied my code here :P

I'm trying to make some series of SQLi challenges(specially I want to allow launching shells from the injection by calling the DB with a full privilege user) first allowing the injection to be made easily(e.g.: Try if app is injectable with single-quote . Get the numbers of columns with ORDER BY, etc.) but it's not possible to get the number of columns with ORDER BY. Any advice?

Here's the script:

Code: [Select]
mysql_connect("localhost""fp""fp") or die("Couldn't connect"); 
$param $_GET["id"]; 
$result mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$param' or die(mysql_error()); 
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 

Web Oriented Coding / Re: How to take over a computer with PHP
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:07:47 PM »
Problem is I change my IP regularly when I restart my router. Is there a way to convert your no-ip hostname into your IP with PHP?

Thanks for the info, I'll look into reverse netcat.

Instead of making the access based on IP whitelisting make it based on user-agent.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: How to take over a computer with PHP
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:16:10 AM »
Make a script that will execute your command with shell_exec() passed via POST or whatever you choose.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project - PS3 to PC
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:03:25 AM »
Regarding the OS, old PS3 versions allowed to install some linux distros.

Pages: [1]

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