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Messages - Getherer

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Found it on the Webs / Re: Eye - Optical illusion
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:59:21 PM »
Bullshit.  :-X

Well interesting thing enough is that any colours visible to us are because of their different wavelengths and texture that it bounces off or gets absorbed to, and an actual fact is, pink colour does not exist, as it is a 'colour' that we see because of our eyes mixing red and violet wavelengths. As a matter of fact it can be perceived as a negative of colour yellow.

Though many scientists argue about it with each other, I think this is the truth.

Found it on the Webs / Re: VMware Workstation 10 serial keys
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:44:47 PM »
Code: [Select]
[quote author=Sherlock Holmes link=topic=15758.msg86072#msg86072 date=1405269077]
VMware Workstation 10 serial keys:

I tried the first one..worked for me.

Is this for windows or linux?

General discussion / Re: Ambiance The Longest film
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:41:14 PM »
From 30 seconds in, it looked like this teaser (let alone the film lol) will most likely turn your brain to a dehumidified cheese and pepper jacket potato extract (14%).

Skipped through the whole by bits, havent managed to find much sense, though I never stopped at any scene to try to contemplate it over.

If I'm not mistaken, there's subliminal binaural beats in the music that would put most people in a trance after about 2 hours. Somebody will die watching this. Personally, it drove me insane and I wanted to punch my computer after 7 minutes so I clicked through to see if it changes any, which it didn't, and I don't like it. I can see some artistic value if someone took a few stills from it, but this is not worth 30 days of my time.

True this, good point about the bineural beats, it doesnt sound like a safe play to listen to that track/list of tracks in the teaser all along and in film itself. Remember looking at iDoser back in a day and trying different trips they had. Although I could say that some created different effects and somewhat precise to what they have been described, other work in a way which only leads me to conclusion of being it some sort of beta weapon in development, could be both good and bad i suppose. Either way dont really know enough about alpha beta and delta waves twisted around and effect on brain it has, and I mean longer term effect as it most probably does, thinking about it our brain works in different wavelengths and fucking around with them without a proper knowledge isnt exactly a good idea...

General discussion / Re: Smart Bullets
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:30:11 PM »
Thing is, America is most probably investing their last money into military is because it is not anywhere stable to what it used to be... debt in that country is unbelievable. They are in a really bad social situation, media is seriously blocking normal people's mouth, and not just there. Anyway  Watched some vid about homeland security buying out some heavy armored quick response trucks with gun holes to shoot from inside.. not an only example unfortunately...

Both of finds are good! Ive already used worldcup coupon and Im planning to buy the other course next week :)

Eventhough it looks really cool and shit I dont really see how this will beat the cli but than again I might be thinking in the box too much.
Humans are graphical oriented , take for example a graph, we tend to consume such information a hell of a lot faster than just raw data.
Such attempts have been made earlier , there was this metasploit shooter like thingy, which failed hard but still.

Youre probably right when it comes to nowadays, but i dont think it will fail at all, I mean it may not be usable for the next two decades or so but at the end of the day they will probably keep working on it until it will have some sort of use, but then again Im sure theres a lot of technology used that we dont know about yet, which may be commercialized at some point...

Looking altogether on what we are capable of so far, the technology that we use nowadays at home is not exactly the fullest, as usual money plays a role here :P

Offtopic now: Why whenever recently I try to post something on forum it says that even though were using https, it may not be fully secured and may be passed on to the third parties?

Found it on the Webs / DARPA's Plan X- Virtualization of Hacking
« on: May 26, 2014, 08:00:46 PM »
Hey guys, didn't really know how to title this post, but I guess its fine.

Link above represents a video of a very early stage of Plan X (Only generalised idea of how it will work)- an Oculus Rift-like device which apparentely will allow cyber war to become more like a game, rather than countless command insertion. Speaking short, from an article that I've read about it (Which isnt included because it isnt in English, but if you Google it you'll probably find it) it looks like DARPA is working on a device which will allow hacker to get inside a virtualized world in which instead of inserting commands, he/she will use a controller pad in order to grab information flowing by. Whatever or however you want to understand it. Project is in very early stage and apparentely it may just be ready to use in 2017.

Ive been looking a lot into those guidelines of which linux is best for the less experienced users and for a long time Ive had a problem of which I should choose... First I wanted to try OpenSUSE but for some reason everytime I've downloaded iso file it was corrupted so I gave up.. then I decided to download kali linux, since I most probably will find it useful in not so long future, considering its great for pentesting and overall overlook of your network flow + other bits.

Now I am downloading latest slackware distro and to be fair, I know nothing of it except what was mentioned in the guideline. Just wonder if installing it on my decent laptop makes any difference in contrast to installing it on desktop? I mean does it have some sort of support for laptops, wireless connecting and such?

Mobile Hacking / Re: iphone 5s and iphone 5c
« on: September 12, 2013, 06:48:49 PM »

If that dont give you an idea of just how "innovative" apple is then you are a retard. Dont forget the other tablet was cheaper!

... No need to call anybody a retard.

First things first, Steve Jobs WAS the first one to patent the tablet, yet he hasnt released it as he was working both on the tablet and phones. At the time when he was working on the tablet and pretty much he has finished it up, he had a big break through with his iphones and he decided to leave tablets on the shelf for now on and focus on the phones, thats why he released his tablets so long after HP did theirs, so what they bought patents or patented a tablet first on the market when Steve has his ready way back?

Im not talking about how tablet was innvative the first time it came out, but the actual blueprints and patent of it, making it totally working touch screen device.

Fair enough you've had a bad start of the day but is there really any need for calling me a retard? Gladly Im far from it.

Mobile Hacking / Re: iphone 5s and iphone 5c
« on: September 12, 2013, 04:34:54 PM »
There never was innovation in the first place. Just a shit ton of crafty marketing and law suites. The only thing Jobs did was create a false need and exploited the idiots who have to much money.

Hey they did! He released first tablets, I mean, they aint that useful to me and my work but for travel they're great. I know he hasnt came up with the idea, can't remember who it was, I think as usual, it was first thought by some movie producer, some old film from 70's, thats where tablet starred first time ever but... Steve was the first one to release a fully working one from what I know, I guess thats the only large innovation he ever introduced, but he was a wise man, if he was still alive Im sure he would come up with some other stuff.

Mobile Hacking / Re: iphone 5s and iphone 5c
« on: September 12, 2013, 02:46:59 AM »
Never liked iPhones much.... well actually that's a lie. I liked them back when 3GS model and iPhone4 came out. Once I got one, got bored rather quickly. No customization, very big limitation of the phone... just not the type of the phone for me....

And realistically, for me Apple phones, and probably any other device released by Apple are lost since Steve Jobs passed away... RIP.

Lets not lie ourselves, since He is gone, there are no new nor innovative ideas to be used in that company, thats why they lowered themselves to releasing some... reheated scramble eggs.

Juicy and eye watering if i was a skiddie. No offence cos i was doing just fine with the Debian and win& install but this is too good to be true. Its just ........I don't think so. Store information about me? No NO No way. I make the decisions and nothing ,if i can help it, touches the disk. Ever heard of data contraception? Nothing touches the disk so as i don't bother with removing it or hiding it. But the AI depend on that data.

Am gonna pass for now.

I second what Kenjoe41 says, its another step to categorize computer users and nothing should store and sniff information about him/herself or about habbits/likes/preferences, not to mention voice and areas of internet accessed.

On the second hand, if it was to be used only for the work/project based stuff excluding any daily and recreational usage, this could be pretty cool and save a lot of effort, but then again I'm not so keen of that, since it would automatically pass you the information... nothing stops the OS to act as a disinformation if it was to be used for important or confidential reasons.

General discussion / Re: So, ready for WW3?
« on: August 28, 2013, 10:54:18 PM »
I'm quite convinced neither of the parties want to unleash a potential nuclear war (cause let's be serious, all sides of the world own nuclear weapons that are not officially declared).

Sure, but better weapons than nuclear are being developed at all times, recently, I can't remember which country, probably US, were working on even more powerful weapons which were meant to be using Tritium, as far as I remember...

General discussion / Re: So, ready for WW3?
« on: August 28, 2013, 10:46:32 PM »
Syria kind of brought the hellfire on themselves using the chemical weapons, that was seriously a stupid move.

I don't fully believe that Syria has used chemical weapons, sounds like another alibi to invade another country of far east, for materialistic reasons (oil, tactical purposes) as well as to close down towards far east and Russia to keep an eye on them.

They may be in possession of those weapons, but I don't think they, as the country officials have used it, if anything, some 'terrorist' or revolution groups have done so to cause this major harm. Who would bomb their own people to start up this whole thing with USA? Obviously either double agents working for USA or other groups allied to US and EU... If they are in possession though, we are in big trouble if anything happens, simply because world is corrupted and moving those weapons to EU or US would not be a massively hard thing to do... over time of course... which could start WW3... We aren't too far from another global war, it's been the longest term in official human existence within which we have lived in peace (I mean not total war, but other wars were always held all over the globe, many of which are unofficial)...

Odd alliances are being created between scientists, for example Germans seem to work with Japanese (Recently managed to teleport memory held within some sort of computerized circuit, some tiny one)

Also Russians seem to co-work with far-east, such as Syria...

I think it's quite plausible that WW3 comes within next 10 years if we keep walking this path...

Found it on the Webs / Re: GTA v Online
« on: August 16, 2013, 02:48:14 PM »
according to u guys, what kind of specs would this game require if it ever gets released for pc?

Not so different from GTA4, I would say maybe a little higher; About 6GB RAM, GTX4xx/HD 7xxx, 30+GB HDD... quad core processor... thats me listing optimal hardware, allowing you somewhat high settings... of course I am predicting :)
I hope they optimize this game much betterly than GTA4 was at the start... and on the other hand I can't wait either! This looks like the best GTA since SA and VC for me...

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