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Messages - Inf3kti0n

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: What if hackers hijacked a key satellite?
« on: February 06, 2013, 07:04:48 AM »
Imagine the positive possibilities of this though... If you believe in the goal of ultimately stopping the NWO from happening, or truly being free...this is how to do that. If we had our own satellites, screw using them to send civilization back to the 1960's, we could forever remain undetected. No worry of military drones with our name on the hit list (If you've been watching CNN lately about that). Anons, could remain anonymous. We could still use all of the technologies like cellular phones and this new Google Glass coming out without submitting our freedom of privacy, without having to worry about being constantly watched and monitored. We could actually change the tides of these corrupt policies and such, turning their own technology against them. We could save our people from the tyranny of these corrupt politicians...We could be unstoppable.

Pages: [1]

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