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Messages - WYSIATI

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Mobile Hacking / How to ping a phone?
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:24:37 PM »
I saw some shows and films talk about pinging a phone to locate its geological location. Is it possible? How can I do it? For example, tracking down my lost phone.

Hi guys, as you know, in schools/companies, we use public network(cable/wifi, which is wpa2), so if offers probability to peers or managers to track your Mac address or Ip address.
1) Is there a way to camouflage or even hide the mac/ip address using wifi?
2) How about using the cable to do 1)?
3) How to pretend the network manager or other users to listen to your network activity?

Any reply would be appreciated!!!

Oke so and what if they used a different key for everyone, would that not defeat the purpose of changing MAC's and addresses :) 
i completely agreeJust look on here. or google the following:"change mac address on windows/linux/router""change ip address ..."you get the point.
All three of your questions were worded poorly/didn't make sense. I did understand the first one however, and there is lot's of tutorials here on how to do that very easily. Not to mention even more on Google...
im not sure what your asking. mac addresses as well as internal IP addresses can be changed on your system. 1) are you trying to change/camouflage the mac/ip address of your own box? or the router itself? I dont understand what you  mean in questions 2 and 3. if you dont mind me asking, to what purpose are you attempting to hide your mac addresses and ip address?Thank you for all these replies! I am thinking to change at least the router's mac address first, so that other people can not track your real mac address. And if possible, i would change ip address as well.  All these behaviours are for security.

Thank you for all replies!

I am thinking to change the router's mac address and ip address if it's possible, so that other users or network manager can not track my real mac address and ip address. Just for the information security.

Operating System / Re: How to enter CentOS without username&password
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:30:24 AM »

Append that ^ to your grub entry.
Then remount the / as with r+w .
Either remove the root user's password from shadow as mentioned or add a user with same privs and work from there.
Pretty doable.
I think instead of mounting the hdd and copying the root password hash from the shadow file and cracking it, just blank out the root hash in the shadow file, write the changes, reboot into the hdd and login with a blank root password. Then put the hash back into the shadow file (after maybe creating a new admin user for your self [sudo or something maybe] ) .
It would be easier to just boot a LiveCD/USB, mount the server's drive and backup everything.

I found it was not so complicated. I entered single user mode, and changed the root's pwd, done. Now I am mounting an external hard drive, when I typed [yum search fuse] or [yum install fuse] on terminal, I only got [Loaded plugins fastestmirror    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile]. I am search for solution.

Operating System / How to enter CentOS without username&password
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:14:19 PM »
Hi, guys. My tutor just gave me a server, which had been installed CentOS. He told me to learn Linux with it, but first of all, I should enter it and back up data without username and password!!! Cuz he forgot all of them....... Now I am running this noisy server, there are only 4 items I can choose: Language, Session, Restart or Shut Down. Also, a field to enter user's info.  Could you please tell me how to do? THANK YOU!!!
(The first thing I wanna do is to backup all data on this server)

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