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Messages - Killuminati

Pages: [1]
Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: February 13, 2013, 08:18:47 PM »
Can someone recommend me something kind of electronic/techno-y/not TOO dubsteppy that has some sort of depth/emotion in it. Like something that would be good in a movie or something?

You might think this is hack, but older Deadmau5 is pretty great. 

This is Strobe by Deadmau5

Not as epic, is Brazil by Deadmau5.  Still a deep track though.

And heres something with lyrics, Medina with Deadmau5 on them tables, You & I.

Personally, I dont have a specific "code" of ethics, like you.  For the most part, when it comes to controversial decision making, if I feel like my actions can be justified, then it's all good.  I'm like you when it comes to racism and violence.  Violence in my eyes is almost never justified.  And the same goes for racism, however I feel there are exceptions.  When it comes to hacking/cracking, I can't speak too much on that yet, because I'm a long way away from having that kind of skill.

General discussion / Re: Share your Rig
« on: January 31, 2013, 10:49:24 PM »
2009 Macbook Pro 15 inch... stock.  Get on my level.

But I do plan on building a PC soon, wanna run Debian.

General discussion / Re: Your hobbies?
« on: January 30, 2013, 06:16:13 PM »
I'm really into car audio.  Got a couple subs in the trunk that annoy my neighbors, as well as speakers and a decent head unit.  My true passion.

I also like to DJ, nothing crazy though, I just mess around, get in some beat juggling/scratching with vinyls.  But I love that almost as much as my sound system.

Other than that, I enjoy receiving a good blowjob from a willing participant. 

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: January 30, 2013, 05:49:25 PM »
Favorite song off my favorite album Re: Definition by Black Star.  Lyrically one of the greatest hip hop songs ever written, in my humble opinion.

Pages: [1]

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