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Messages - tylermurphy00

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I have learned to believe in less. Thouugh am agonna need more convincing on this.
Exactly. Reminds me of what they said the LHC could do:,8599,1838947,00.html

Edit: haha just found this one too

I don't believe "it's only wrong if you get caught" applies, but that doesn't stop me from doing things I acknowledge to be wrong. Today for example, I was on a public wifi that was slow as cock because of all the people on it. So I logged into their router (still had the default pass lol) and changed the wifi key so only I could connect. Did I know that was "wrong" to some degree...yeah, would I want to be the victim if someone did that to So I can acknowledge what's "wrong", meaning I have some kind of ethics, like everyone else here.

With that said I have no problem breaking them if there are little/no consequences in doing so. I think most people are hypocritical when it comes to following rules; there are always double standards even for how you judge yourself vs others.

I'm so glad this happened, the theme just didn't look or feel right to me so I kept putting off coming back here.  I think this is the best change you could have made here ande, hopefully more of the old vip guys will see the change and come back too. I missed this place that's for sure.

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