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Reverse Engineering / Re: Good Resource for Learning Reversing
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:47:28 AM »
before writing something to someone could you please think about it !!!! if you read all my replies in the forum you would see that i was thankful for many time , look for example what I wrote to namespace7

"your tutorial is very powerful and instructive i like it and thank you very much..." I would be thankful whenever I feel that the author deserve to be thanked , I will respect someone whenever I feel that he deserves respect , I will thank someone when he lets a strong impression in me , if he does not let an impression in me and instead he gives me an information without any base and value I will never be thankful
 when someone give an information for people to enlight them , he should give them a useful information not something complicated and confusing without header and footer
and it is my right and everyone's right to criticize the information and the source of information .

I am a beginner , someone ignorant how you want me to contribute , how you expect from a female calf to give milk ?!! how do you expect from a seed to generate fruits?? contribution is a process of time and the one who does not possess the thing cannot give it  this is logical and this is evident by  itself

I red all of them (pdf tutorial) , they aim only to experts in assembly language  and they are formulated in a very generalized and complicated way so that they are meaningless and a waste of time for beginners like me

Reverse Engineering / Re: Good Resource for Learning Reversing
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:55:11 AM »
the next time when you give a link , give something useful not nonsense

first I find no clue for this word " Memoryze" and the author peter does not explain it but he made it more confused and more complicated when he wrote " Memoryze is designed to aid in memory analysis in incident responsive scenarios" I did not see something more horrible , disgusting and unworthy than this sentence , it comes only from someone linguistically handicapped .

second whenever I press " Memoryze" it says we are sorry page does not exist and the same for the link of Memorize ..
so the next time give the hell something useful

Reverse Engineering / Re: Good Resource for Learning Reversing
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:24:06 PM »
every thing has a price in life the files in the tutorial  are infected for sure and without any doubt  but you need to find a solution to how to profit from the information given to you without being infected by the virus inside this information and the only solution is to disassemble the files and see where   the virus code is situated and eliminate it then assemble the file again and this requires that you learn assembly language
there is an other solution which was applied by the majority in this site:  to profit from the information  and pay the price

Reverse Engineering / Re: Good Resource for Learning Reversing
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:56:20 AM »
perspicacious reply as it involves a challenge , your reply is a challenge to me  , , it means that it is up to me to settle the doubt to certainty

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt

Reverse Engineering / Re: Good Resource for Learning Reversing
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:16:27 AM »
 Tsar  when i press the link to download it , a box appear saying " warning download and use this file at your own risk"  what does this mean? why it says so? is the file corrupted or infected with a virus or with a spyware????
and as for xzid your url link does not work for me , when i press it it says
" http 404: page not found" so what is the problem ???

Reverse Engineering / Re: Interactive Decompiler
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:41:11 PM »
can you tell me if this decompiler is able to provide the exact program code as it is written and what are the software that it is unable to decompile them
what are the advantages and disadvantages of this decompiler??

Reverse Engineering / Re: Boomerang
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:54:07 AM »


your tutorial is very powerful and instructive i like it and thank you very much

after reading your tutorial i can sum it up in 3 ideas

1) decompiling does not give the exact program code
2) as a consequence of one the resulting source code will be very complicated and hard to deal with and it will take a lot of time and cost a lot of energy especially for thousands of lines to understand and grasp
3)some programs are immunized against decompiling

so disassembling is the best way to work with a program
this is good

Reverse Engineering / Re: Boomerang
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:31:27 AM »
techb legend maybe you can help me and give me an advice
i searched for a decompiler because i want to decompile some programs and see the source code of them the problem is the following
whenever I try to use boomering it said to me " load fail" and it seems to me that it said so because the program I tried to decompile (CCleaner) is protected and encrypted so that no one can decompile it for clonage and crack reasons   if I am wrong correct me please

then I tried to use .NET reflector which is unable to decompile exe files as some of them are not NET MODELS and do not contain metadata for .NET assembly environement
there is an other one but it is sponsored it is SPICES decompiler

so can you give me a link for a good efficient decompiler or can you advise me what to do to decompile the programs I want ??? tell me what can I do , guide me in the right way
i want to learn

Reverse Engineering / Re: Boomerang
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:57:31 AM »
in a computer network there is no such a word called "respect", never trust anyone because i do not know this one in real life , i am in virtual so all possible and regardless the fact that he is VIP and his intentions .. everyone makes  mistakes because howsoever someone is skilled , he is always imperfect...from another part if the boomerang file is not infected , can you tell me why the anti-virus said that it is infected???? why the test is false-positive??? and how to tell if the antivirus is wrong ??? how to know that a file is really infected or not ???? and most importantly could you please tell me how to find a virus without using an antivirus????can you answer my questions , i am interested in learning throughout your answers

Reverse Engineering / Re: Boomerang
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:10:48 PM »
the boomerang file is infected by a virus , its name is :


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